Twenty Two

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"Rose!" Luci yelled, pushing through the small crowd to get to her.
She looked different, but it was definitely Rose. Her unmistakable white blonde hair was in messy waves and her dark eyes were surrounded with smears of a black substance but it was Rose.
Stepping closer, Luci noticed the large firearm hanging to her right. Rose dropped the bouquet, taking the gun in her hand instead.
"Help!" One of the girls yelled, causing the rest to erupt in screams.
The team was running over by the time she raised the gun and pointed it into the crowd.
Being the closest, Luci knocked the gun from her hands, the shoulder strap saving it from hitting the ground. It wasn't long before a blade was in her left hand and she was slicing towards Luci.
By that time, Pietro's speed had him behind Rose and he tackled her to the ground, "Wanda!"
He did his best to keep her down until Wanda had a chance to freeze her in her spot.
Pietro climbed off her slowly, "Rose?" His voice was a whisper but the team was right next to him by now and had heard.
"Well, she's not dead," Kayla suggested in an unsure voice.
Tony glanced to her, "No. Just trying to kill her friends."
Steve was suddenly using his captain voice, "Wanda, can you hold her until we can get a transporting vehicle here?" She nodded.
Five minutes later, they were locking Rose into the back of a van that had been transformed into a cell.
"I guess the reception is over," Peter said, watching the van drive away.
When they removed her at the compound, the walls of the van were slashed across.
Tony sighed, "Someone take away her other knife."
As quickly as they could, they locked her in a cell, the walls clear so they could see everything she did.
She sat in a chair in the center of the cell, staring down whoever was assigned to watch her.
At the moment it was some poor S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that looked ready to bolt.
Rose tilted her head slightly, keeping her eyes locked with his, her eyes getting a dangerous spark. The agent gulped but didn't move.
He did, however, when she let out a growl. He ran to the exit so fast he could have been a super soldier.
With her watch gone she could properly look over the room. Her scanning stopped when she spotted someone on the overlooking balcony.
While she couldn't recognize him, it didn't stop her from glancing over him curiously. He seemed familiar in an odd way but she couldn't connect it.
Clint had a fair idea what had lead to the new Rose and it was killing him. He saw her as a daughter and didn't want anyone he cared about to go through even a little piece of what little Bucky had shared. Hydra was sick and twisted. Her stay couldn't have been pleasant.
Just when he thought she recognized him, her expression dropped. Locking eyes, she tilted her head down giving a threatening smile.
Clint didn't feel threatened. She was in a cell and he was armed. He did, however, feel upset. She'd come so far from the killer she was and now was back to square one. Worse actually. He shook his head and left, a new gaurd coming in to replace the last.
"Enjoy yourselves. Yes. She'll be fine. It's all taken care of," Tony said into his phone before hanging up. Kayla and Peter had almost not gone on thier honeymoon but Tony finally convinced them it was okay to leave.
Pietro was pacing in the hallway. Rose was right through the door. A few steps more and he'd be able to see her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He wanted to see her. He wanted to see the old her and he had a feeling that's not what he would get if he walked through those doors.
He placed his hand on the door, a small sliver of hope that she'd be the best friend he remembers, when a hand was placed gently on his shoulder.
He looked back and saw Wanda, shaking her head sadly, "Don't. You'll only be disappointed."
He hung his head and ran off to one of the two places he had been going to when she was still gone. While the team made guesses, none of them were right. While they assumed he coped in bars, he actually spent his time at the Brooklyn Bridge or the private cemetery at the very back of the compound. After five months a head stone was placed in the middle of a rose garden. Rose had dragged him to the bridge countless time, at first saying she liked the scenery but eventually revealing it was where she went when she needed peace. It was now his spot, too. He came to feel a little bit of the peace that Rose brought him. The cemetery was where he would go to talk to mourn.

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