Thirty One

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Clint was down in the observation room with the other agents. He missed when she'd tease him. He missed when she'd call him pops. He missed her. But she was gone and in her place a mad woman that shot at air, tried to jump from windows, attempted to fight empty space, and now just stared at a corner in fear.
He shook his head and got up to leave but as he got to the door, it shot open and someone ran into him.
"Speedy? What're you doing here?" Clint asked.
Pietro looked to be debating with himself before he spoke, "Nothing."
Clint raised an eyebrow to convey that he didn't believe him.
Pietro sighed, "I don't think she's crazy."
Clint shook his head and went to leave again but Pietro grabbed his wrist to stop him.
"I think I have proof," He whispered. Clint looked at him expectantly.
"Come with me," They went over and watched the video, Pietro pointing out she never made contact with even the walls. Then he tried to convince Clint it looked like she was making contact and at times like she was being hit. Clint still seemed unconvinced but he was swaying.
When Pietro tried to tell him they needed to go in the cell, Clint tried putting his foot down. Five minutes of arguing and they were in the cell.
Rose ran to them, well, to Pietro.
They embraced for a moment before she pulled back and looked at the corner again.
Pietro grabbed her hands and showed her knuckles to Clint but he was already staring at the bruising on the side of her face. When he looked down and saw her hands, he was convinced.
Pietro had to ask one more question before they could do anything, "Did you shoot him?" She nodded. "How many times?"
"Three," She whispered, "Once in his arm, the other two are on his torso."
Clint turned to Pietro.
"She fired seven times but there are only four holes in the wall."
"Is the person still in here?" He asked.
She nodded, "That corner."
"We need to get her out of here," Clint decided.
"I've tried. Last time they pushed her back in and locked it before we had a chance,"
Pietro informed him.
Clint shook his head, "We're not leaving without her."
Clint knocked on the door and side stepped when they opened it, giving the opportunity for Pietro to run out with Rose. They were across the room before anyone else knew what was happening.
Clint followed after and they ran for the elevator. Pounding the door, the agents followed. Along with the figure from inside.
They took the stairs. When they were on the third floor, where Tony should be, they bolted for the lab. Luckily for them, he was just leaving and they saw each other quickly.
"Clint-" He stopped when he saw Rose, "-What's she doing out?"
He was creeping forward slowly and they figured he was planning on tackling her.
Pietro stepped in front of her and Clint stepped in front of Tony, "She's not crazy."
Pietro went into explaining all his evidence and they were enthralled enough to not be watching Rose.
Suddenly she felt a presence behind her. The man from the cell was giving her a smirk and it made her stomach knot.
He came forward so she threw a cross and then got close enough for a hook. He was mad now so he threw a jab before she had time to slip. She fell into Pietro, gaining the groups attention but she recovered quickly and started throwing palm strikes followed by an elbow when she was in range.
A front kick and he fell. Once on the ground, he pulled her down too.
"You see this? She is crazy. She's fighting air, again."
When her back was on the ground Pietro tried to swing above her but continued to miss. Clint was trying to figure put how to help.
She rolled around a few more times, throwing a few punches and receiving a few before he got a hold on her throat. A few moments later she suddenly went limp.
Pietro gave up any strategy and just side tackled the area above her. When he landed on the side of her, he could feel a body underneath him.
Tony glanced at where Pietro was suddenly struggling to wrestle air in disbelief. He was finally convinced when Clint pulled a syringe from Rose's neck.
"You still think she's doing this to herself?" He asked.
Tony shook his head and crouched beside Pietro, feeling the ground in front of him. When he felt a head, he practically jumped.
"FRIDAY, call security."
When they arrived, they felt around until both the attackers hands were found and then he was cuffed and thrown in a cell with a thermal sensor. They could finally see his body based on the heat signal it gave off.
The team had been told the truth about what was going on. None of them were happy they had an intruder they couldn't see.

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