Chapter Eight: Your Eyes

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"Pancakes or waffles?"

"hmmm pancakes, waffles are gross"

"Ugh! How dare you!" I say jokingly and hit him on the leg and puts his arms around my waist and pulls me closer for him to snuggle me. I laugh cuz his nose on my neck is tickling me but then he sushes me.

"The boys are still asleep, beautiful" He says and I feel my cheeks heat up from his words.... But waffles are great so I'm angry.

I lay back down beside him facing the ceiling which was the position I was in before I hit him and crossed my arms and pout. I exaggerate my movements a bit just so he notices and I hear him just laugh at me. I feel his arm snake it's way behind my neck and he proceeds to play with my hair. I FEEL LIKE A CAT, I could purr because this feels GREAT!

100/10 would suggest.

"Alright then, how about you? Pancakes or Waffles" He asks me and I stay silent to really delve in to the question.

"Pancakes.... Definitely pancakes" I tell him and he just starts laughing

"Then why the hell did you hit me for saying waffles are gross?" He asks not moving from our position

"BECAUSE YOU SHOULDN'T SAY THAT ABOUT FOOD, HOE!" I say and he just laughs harder.

I feel his arm suddenly around my waist and he rolls me towards him so that my whole body is right on top of his. I'm suddenly face to face with an angel. My chest starts hurting but it's no longer numb it's like a good feeling, it feels nice.

"I'm a hoe for you, Lee Felix" He whispers while looking me straight in the eyes.


THIS BITCH thinks he can say sweet words and sweet talk me and think that I'll probably fall for him so hard.... WELL HE'S RIGHT!

"no you're not.... you're just a hoe.... You're a straight up SNAKE!" I tell him trying to sound monotonous to show him that I'M SERIOUS but then suddenly he starts hissing.... what a weirdo.

I give him the judge-iest face ever and he stops hissing. He looks at me seriously with an intense look in his eyes and it makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable. It's like he can see through my soul. HE CAN PROBABLY HEAR MY THOUGHTS RIGHT NOW....Hi Hyunjin.......

I think more about how he can probably read my mind then suddenly he starts attacking my face with small kisses. AAHH! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! I try to get a hold of his face but he's too fast. I start laughing because I'm starting to feel ticklish then I hold back his face before he could kiss me more. His arm around my waist tightens it's hold and I run my hand through his hair. I look at all his little details, and decide to play his game.

I softly and slowly kiss the small mole under his eyes, then his nose, then his cheek and then his chin.

I stop and pull back and he gives a small pout and I lean in really close. I could feel his breathe hit my face, I move in close enough that I could almost feel his lips on mine.

Then I quickly kiss him in the forehead.

"HEEYY!!!" He yells in disappointment

"TH3 bOyZ arE sTiLl aSl33p, b3aUtIful" I mock him and rolls my eyes then suddenly I feel a hand behind my neck pull me down.

He kisses me softly and I feel him smiling while he kisses me. I pull back just to look at his smile and go back to kissing him again.

Kissing him is like being in the dessert and in the antarctic at the same time, It's like your heart is beating so fast and not at all, It's like you don't feel anything and feel everything at the same time, It's like exactly how you imagined it but destroys your expectations as well. It just felt so right.

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