Family Past

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4:30am can't sleep all I can think about is where my father could have went. Is he still pissed that I joined the law enforcement instead of being like him and Steve? I mean yea I wouldn't have mind it but I wanted that to be dad and Steve's thing, let that be something he can have in common with dad so their bond can be stronger since I had a strong bond with our mom. As I walked down the stairs going into the kitchen to grab a glass to get some orange juice my phone rang, I stopped and answered the call,

Danny:"Mia, there's been a body found by the shoreline."
Me:"Be there in 5."

I hung up and ran up the stairs to my bedroom getting dressed quickly. I ran back down the stairs and hopped in my truck heading to the crime scene. I parked and got out walking over seeing Danny, Kono and Chin.

Chin:"You look like hell."
Me:"Couldn't sleep."
Kono:"Your dad still missing?"
Me:"Uh, have we found anything out about the vic?"

Danny raised his eyebrow then crossed his arms,

Danny:"Yea, her name is Crista who is 16 years old and she went to Oahu High."

I closed my eyes and rubbed my chin as I opened my eyes,

Me:"Has her parents been notified? When was the time of death? Murder weapon or how she was murdered?"
Kono:"Yes her parents know and are on their way.."
Danny:"Time of death was between 11pm and 2am."
Chin:"No weapon just yet but from what Max discovered she suffered traumatic bruising to the brain like she was hit with something."
Me:"Anything else I should know about?"
Max:"Oh detective McGarrett, the person I wanted to see."
Me:"Yes Max?"
Max:"You and the others should follow me."

I nodded and we all followed Max over to the body, it's always sad to see a body but when it's a kid it is always the worst especially when the parents show up to the scene. I squatted down and Max pointed to the young girls neck,

Me:"So sex gone wrong?"
Max:"Not quite. It looks to me that something was pressed against her neck to help restrain her. Also the bruising on her wrists say she put up a struggle to get away, but ended up losing her life."
Me:"Why on earth would someone want to kill a kid?"

I heard someone yell my name I stood up and looked over my shoulder seeing an officer motioning me to come over. I patted Max's shoulder as a thank you and made my way to the officer.

Officer:"Mr and Mrs.Taylor this is detective McGarrett. She will answer all the questions you have."
Mr.Taylor:"Thank you."

The officer walked away and I silently sighed, I honestly don't have all the answers they need just yet...

Me:"Yes ma'am?"
Mrs.Taylor:"What happened to our daughter..?"

I sighed and looked at her then her husband and back at her,

Me:"Mr and Mrs.Taylor I'm so sorry for your loss, I was told she put up a struggle, and I'm assuming whoever did this to your daughter got tired of it and took her life. Now what I need from you guys is a few answers. Was Crista seeing anyone? Was she in some kind of trouble?"
Mr.Taylor:"Yea Crista has a boyfriend, you think he could have done this?"
Me:"I'm not sure, what was her boyfriends name? Do you have his address, what about her friends? Did she have any? Any weird suspicions you or your wife had with anybody she hung around?"
Mr.Taylor:"His name is Kyle Johnson, here's his address. She had a few friends, they were all kind young ladies. But there was one Crista always talked about who had some kind of weird I don't know how you would put it-"
Mr.Taylor:"Yea I guess that's how you could put it, Crista always talked about how she was being followed by her, it doesn't matter where she went Crista would see her, even at school. But at home she was safe."
Me:"Did she tell you she was going anywhere last night?"
Mrs.Taylor:"No, she wasn't feeling good so she went to bed. She was supposed to go over to her best friend Kaylee's house yesterday after school, we only allowed her to go places during the weekend since she had school. But with her not feeling good she decided not to go."

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