Recovering Once Again

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It's been almost a month since I was released from the hospital. My dad has been hanging around a lot which I can't complain but with work I rarely see Danny as much. I walked into the bedroom for Grace, and looked around smiling a little.

John:"Don't worry you'll see him later."
John:"I can tell your both happy and sad. Happy we are finished with the room but sad since you haven't seen Danny so much."

I lightly sighed,

Me:"Yea I know. Just hope he actually shows this time."
John:"He will."
Me:"Yea your right dad. But at least the room is finally finished like you said."
John:"I'm a parent so I'll be right about seventy five percent of the time."

We both laughed and headed downstairs,

Me:"How about a beer, dad?"
John:"Sure I could go for one."

I walked into the kitchen opening the fridge when there was a knock at the door,

John:"I'll get it."

I shook my head and grabbed two beers then closed the fridge and walked back into the living room seeing Steve. I stopped and looked at him,

Me:"Why the sudden surprise visit?"

Steve looked at me then looked away. I could tell he had something on his mind but what is it that would make him cry? I sat the beers down and made Steve look at me.

Steve:"Can I talk to you?"
Me:"Yea of course, do we need to go outside?"

The front door opened and I looked over to see both Grace and Danny.


Steve backed up and I walked over to Danny kissing him.

Danny:"Sorry, work has been hectic since your accident."
Me:"It's okay, hey Steve needs to talk to me so why don't you take Grace upstairs and show her new room to her."
Danny:"It's ready?"
Me:"Yea, dad and I finished it up today."
Danny:"Sweet, alright well go. Afterwards I need to talk to you as well."
Me:"Okay? Is everything alright?"
Danny:"With us? Everything is perfect."

Danny smiled and walked Grace upstairs so I followed Steve outside. We both sat down and I lit up a cigarette.

Steve:"How've you been?"
Me:"A lot better. Why have you been crying?"

Steve cleared his throat and sat up straight.

Steve:"I'll get to that but first there's something I want to say. And if it's okay with you."
Me:"It's about mom, isn't it?"
Me:"Tell me."
Steve:"The guy who called us both that day of your accident, he was hired by our mother. I'm not sure if Danny told you but he did go back to the precinct to interrogate him. I helped, he told us that our mother hired him to take you so she could see you again. That bomb wasn't meant for you, it was set up for me. I've been sitting on this for awhile, I tracked her down. We spoke, she wants to see you."

I sat there in silence and shook my head.

Me:"Is this some kind of joke?"
Me:"So she's alive? And she wants to see me? Danny knew about this?"
Stev:"Don't get mad at him, he wanted to tell you but I made him promise til you were better."
Me:"I'm not mad Steve. Or disappointed or anything. Why does she want to see me? Why couldn't she have stayed when we were kids? Why was her death faked? I have so many questions. Well when you see her again if you do cuz I'm sure she already disappeared again, tell her I don't want to see her. I have my family, she chose to not be apart of it a long ass time ago. That's on her, Steve. So what had you crying?"

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