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Finally day three of being in the hospital is here, I sat there waiting for the doctor to come in to let me know if I can go home or not. The door opened and Danny walked in with flowers, I smiled and shook my head,

Me:"You didn't have to bring me flowers."
Danny:"I know but I wanted to. I missed you Mia."
Me:"I missed you too Danny."

I hugged him as he sat the flowers on the table, after I let go I smelled the flowers and smiled.

Me:"Roses always smell good."
Danny:"Yea they do."

The door opened and the doctor walked in,

Doctor:"Oh, sorry for interrupting."
Me:"It's okay, so doc can I go home?"
Doctor:"Yea, your recovery has been tremendously successful, so you'll be released soon."
Danny:"That's great news thanks doc."

He nodded and walked out of the room, I noticed a bag on the chair and looked at Danny who smiled,

Danny:"I had a feeling you would be able to leave so I brought you some clothes."
Me:"Awe so sweet, thank you hun."
Danny:"Of course."

I kissed his cheek and grabbed the bag going into the bathroom to change, once I had to get my shirt on I winced a little causing Danny to walk in,

Danny:"Need help?"

Danny chuckled and helped me with my shirt. I looked into his eyes getting lost, I ran my hands up his body stopping at his chest, Danny looked at me and grinned.

Danny:"Since it's Friday, Grace will be at Ashley's all weekend."
Danny:"We'll have the place to ourselves."
Me:"Sounds good."

Danny kissed me and I shoved him against the wall deepening the kiss. We heard the door open which caused us to break the kiss, I bit my lip and walked out of the bathroom to see Kono,

Kono:"Hey, I was on my way to the office figured I would stop by to check on you."

She looked to see I was in clothes and looked around,

Kono:"I see Danny stopped by. You get to go home?"
Me:"Yea I do and he did."

Danny walked out of the bathroom, Kono smiled and shook her head,

Kono:"Seriously?"-she laughed-
Me:"Oh it's not what you think, I actually struggled to get my shirt on, the wound still hurts."
Kono:"No need to explain. When you coming back to work?"
Me:"I'll be there first thing Monday."
Danny:"Are you sure you wanna go back that soon?"
Me:"Danny, I'm an adult so yes I'm going back Monday."
Kono:"Well, I'm going to head to the office, Danny that gift is still in the room."
Danny:"Thank you Kono."
Me:"I'll see you Monday, tell Chin I said hi."

Kono nodded and walked out as the doctor walked back in, he handed me papers to sign. After I signed them I handed the papers back to him and Danny grabbed the bag and the flowers, we walked out and got into the elevator,

Danny:"Oh I forgot to tell you, Luke and Lina will be stopping by later so you can meet his nieces and nephew."
Me:"Oh okay, you want to grab dinner later or cook something?"
Danny:"We can cook something together?"
Me:"I was hoping you'd say that."

Danny laughed and the elevator doors opened, I followed Danny out of the hospital to his car, I got in and Danny got in handing me the flowers. He opened the center console pulling out a lighter and a pack of cigarettes,

Me:"Your awesome."
Danny:"I try."

I playfully smacked his arm making him smile, as I lit up a cigarette Danny started driving us home. I rolled the window down a bit and took a hit,

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