Date Night?

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Danny's P.O.V

With Mia working on a case with the team, Steve and I went ring shopping.

Me:"This is the one. I'm sure of it Steve."
Steve:"She'll love it man."
Me:"You think so?"
Steve:"I know so."
Me:"Alright, ma'am I'm ready."

The lady walked over to Steve and I and grabbed the ring I had picked out. After she rung it up I paid for it and we both left.

Steve:"Want to go see if they need help?"
Me:"Sure, they could probably use our help. Just need to make one quick stop first."

We got in my car and I drove to the nearest gas station. I got out walking inside grabbing everybody a drink and headed towards the register. The guy rung up the items and I asked for a pack of cigarettes. After I paid I walked out getting back in my car handing Steve his drink then drove to the precinct. Once I pulled into the parking lot I saw that Mia's truck was here along with Chin and Kono's cars, I parked and hid the ring in the glovebox. Steve and I got out as I grabbed the bag and I locked my car. Both of us walked into the building heading towards the office.

Mia's P.O.V

I stood there looking at the screen gripping the sides of the counter,

Chin:"Mia, relax we'll find them I promise."
Me:"I know but we don't have much time, I just don't get most men these days. Why kidnap a dozen underage girls to sell for sex, it's just wrong.."
Danny:"Wait what?"
Me:"Hey Danny and Steve."
Danny:"I got drinks and I figured you guys could use some help."
Me:"Thanks babe."
Danny:"Of course, here you look like you could use one of these."

I turned towards Danny to see he had a can of blueberry red bull in his hand. I smiled softly and grabbed it, opened it then took a couple big drinks.

Danny:"What's got you frustrated?"
Chin:"The case we're working on is about a dozen underage girls who were kidnapped and being forced to have sex with older men. HPD got a call this morning around 5am from Kings medical, a doctor had a patient come in with her "uncle" claiming she fell down some stairs, well the doctor believes she broke some ribs but when she went to put the xray request she went back into the room and both the girl and guy was gone, the doctor called because she believed the girl was being abused and used for sexual abduction. The doctor was right we are still trying to figure out who the guy is, he's not popping up I. HPD's database."

Danny stood there in both shock and disgust. His expression changed when I moved quickly towards the counter changing the facial recognition from the guy to the girl,

Me:"One sec. I got an idea."

After saying that the facial recognition from the girl came back quickly.

Me:"Alright um Danny your with me, we're going to go see her parents. Chin, Kono and Steve, try your best to find their location. We'll be back as soon as we can. Let's go Danny."
Kono:"You got it boss."
Steve:"Mia, can I talk to you for second."
Me:"Yea, I'll be out there in a moment Danny."

He nodded and walked out of the office and I stepped into my office with Steve.

Steve:"I know your upset about this case but you gotta clear your mind and think positive if you want to help this girl and the others."
Me:"I know Steve, but people like this make me sick and I can't stop thinking about what if that was Grace? She's only 8 Steve, these girls are 15 hell some of them could be younger I don't know but it's scaring me because if we find this guy I'm not sure what I'll do that's what is scaring me the most.."

Steve frowned and pulled me into a hug,

Steve:"I know. It's going to be okay, I'll be there if you need me there."
Me:"Please.. I don't want to go to a dark place and that's where my mind is going."
Steve:"Just relax, you'll have me, Danny, Kono and Chin with you. We won't let your mind go dark. Just go speak with her parents, we can handle things here."

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