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Danny's P.O.V

I was at the headquarters with Chin and Kono when both Steve and his girlfriend walked in the room.

Me:"What's going on?"
Steve:"Well Mia told me she was taking the day to bond with your daughter so you would be short handed at work, I figured you could use two more bodies."
Me:"Well thanks Steve. Guys you remember Steve and his girlfriend Catharine?"
Kono:"Hey guys."
Chin:"Thanks for the help guys we may need it for this case."
Steve:"Whatcha got?"

Mia's P.O.V

I kept my eyes on the road while Grace carried on in the passenger seat.

Grace:"Are we almost there?"
Me:"Not much longer Gracie. Hey we can get some food afterwards and see if your dad can meet us?"

I smiled and pulled into the ranch. Once I parked Grace jumped out of the car all excited, I lightly laughed and got out of the car putting my sunglasses on as I walked over to Grace. We walked over to the rancher and he let us pick our horses, once we did we got on the horses and started down the trail. It was quiet for the most part then I stopped my horse for a moment, I heard movement coming from my right.

Me:"Hold on."

She got quiet and I looked all around us trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. I heard more movement and I looked at Grace,

Me:"Go. Call your dad, tell him where you are. Find a spot hide and don't come out unless your dad calls for you."

Grace nodded and she took off on her horse. I got off mine and pulled my gun out, I held it up as I looked all around,

Guy:"Hello Mia McGarrett."

I spun around looking at the guy, I kept my gun up and he shook his head.

Me:"Who are you."
Guy:"I heard you and your brother have been looking for me."

My eyebrow rose and I thought for a moment then pointed the gun at him.

Me:"Why are you here Wo Fat?"
Wo Fat:"There you go. Smart girl. I'm here now."
Me:"Where's my dad?!"
Wo Fat:"Definitely not here."
Me:"No shit smartass. Now where is he!"
Wo Fat:"Your about to find out."

I was hit in the back of the head, I dropped to the ground dropping my gun. My eyes looked at Wo Fat as everything went dark.

Danny's P.O.V

After catching the guy Steve and I was standing in the interrogation room. I stood there listening to Steve interrogate the guy for answers when my phone rang.

Me:"I'll be right back."

I stepped out of the room looking at my phone seeing that Grace was calling so I answered.

Me:"Hey monkey, how's the horse riding going?"
Grace:"Daddy?"-she sounded scared-
Me:"Grace? Is everything okay?"
Grace:"They took Mia.."
Me:"What? Who took her!"
Grace:"I-I don't know, she started acting weird. I guess she heard something and she told me to hide, I'm scared..I don't hear her out there anymore, I looked and all I see is her gun."
Me:"Stay there don't move I'm coming."

I hung up and barged into the room making Steve look at me.

Steve:"Everything okay?"
Me:"We need to go. Now."
Steve:"We're in the middle of an interrogation here Danny."
Me:"Mia's gone.."

Steve stiffened his body and nodded. We both left the room going into the office,

Me:"Chin locate Mia's phone now."

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