Family Past Pt.2

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I woke up from the knocking constantly on my front door. I got up off the couch and opened the door,

Danny:"You didn't show up for work."
Me:"Sorry didn't sleep well.."
Danny:"I'm sorry."
Me:"Is that Grace in the car?"
Danny:"Yea...I have a favor to ask."
Me:"I'll watch her. What's going on?"
Danny:"Court. She thinks she can take Grace from me by moving to Vegas."
Me:"Wait what? Never mind, go settle things I'll keep an eye on her."
Danny:"Thanks Mia. I'll owe you one."

I slightly rolled my eyes at Danny as Grace got out of the car and Danny kissed my cheek. I froze then glared at him.

Danny:"Sorry. I have to go.."

I nodded and Grace walked in with a bag. Danny left so I shut the front door.

Me:"What do you feel like doing today?"
Grace:"Dress up?"
Me:"You got it kiddo."
Grace:"Music too?"
Me:"You read my mind. Whatcha wanna listen to?"
Grace:"One Direction?"
Me:"You know your the only kid I let talk me into listening to him. But okay."
Grace:"I saw some boy band in my mom's junk."
Me:"Do you remember what their name was?"
Me:"No way! Have you ever listened to New Kids On The Block?"
Grace:"No. My mom tells me no."
Me:"Well we're going to break her rule. Just our little secret."

Grace smiled and took her bag into the bathroom to change. I strolled upstairs and changed. I made my way back to the living room seeing Grace waiting.

Me:"You ready chica?"
Grace:"Yea can I pick the song?"

I handed Grace my phone after connecting it to the wireless bluetooth speakers built into the wall. Grace stood there typing away then scrolled, once she picked the song she handed me my phone.

Grace:"Just this song then show me NKOTB."
Me:"You got it."

Grace smiled and I lightly chuckled since she picked what makes you beautiful by one direction. Grace started to dance well attempted to dance, I laughed and held out my hand. Grace smiled and grabbed my hand as I started showing her how to dance. The song ended and I grabbed my phone going to my NKOTB playlist and clicked play, their song Step by step started playing but I paused it,

Me:"I know the dance to this one. Would you like to learn it?"

I laughed again and nodded. I turned her facing me and backed up a few steps then tapped play. The song started once again and Grace followed my every move, just as the song was ending I saw her stop and the look of embarrassment appeared on her face. My eyebrow rose and I paused the song looking at her,

Me:"Grace sweetie what's wrong?"
Steve:"So I see you know how to dance."

I stood up straight feeling my body tense up. I took a deep breath then exhaled and turned around to see Steve, Catharine and Danny standing there. Danny cleared his throat and looked around.

Me:"Brought a crowd too. Now I see why Grace seemed embarrassed. I'm going to go change..."
Steve:"No no stay, do that little hat move again."
Me:"I hate you Steve."

All three of them laughed and I pushed past Steve going upstairs to my bedroom. I changed back into my clothes and darted down the stairs tackling Steve to the floor pinning his arm behind his back.

Steve:"You seem stronger."
Me:"I won't break your arm if you never ever mentioned what you saw to anybody! You got that?"
Steve:"Yes ma'am loud and clear."

I stood up and helped Steve to his feet. I looked at Danny,

Me:"A word please."
Danny:"Of course."
Me:"Grace, your dad and I will be right back. My brother Steve will keep an eye on you. Won't be too long I promise."
Grace:"Okay."-she smiled-

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