Drug Bust

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I've been keeping myself busy so I don't think too much about to surfing tournament, so I went and got a dog. A doberman named, Benji. Benji has been on a few cases, he's done really good. I believe Benji would make a great member of the team, I walked into the office being attacked by Benji, his tail wagging like crazy as he licked my face. I laughed and gently pushed his big ass off me, I stood up and dusted myself off.

Chin:"Sorry, he seems to only listen to you.."
Me:"No biggie, and that's because Dobermans are on the list of dogs that can only have one owner. I know wrong choice but he was so cute and wouldn't stop staring at me so I chose him."
Chin:"I guess that's one thing Benji and Danny have in common."

My mouth dropped open and I shook my head laughing,

Me:"That's so messed up Chin but it was funny, where is Danny anyway?"

Chin cleared his throat while crossing his arms,

Chin:"He had to go talk to the judge remember?"
Me:"About what?"
Chin:"Oh he didn't tell you?"
Chin:"While you were gone, he had a heated conversation with Rachel so he went to see a judge about getting custody of his son."
Chin:"You don't sound happy about that."
Me:"No, I'm happy about possibly getting his son but he could have at least told me about it."
Chin:"Don't be upset with him Mia, it was a sudden decision."
Me:"I know, I'm not mad at him I just don't get why she is doing this to him. Is it because of me?"
Chin:"I don't think so, before you and Danny even started talking to each other nicely they always fought when they were together. Look at it this way, you get to be a mom to two kids not just one."

I smiled and nodded,

Chin:"Besides that when you two going to have a kid of your own?"
Me:"I have no idea, truthfully I know this something you don't want to know but after that explosion at the warehouse almost a year ago, Danny and I only had sex once that was it."

Chin raised his eyebrow then smiled,

Chin:"He could still be worried about what could cause your head to go back to the way it was. I wouldn't worry about it Mia."
Me:"Trust me I haven't."-I smiled-

Chin nodded and walked into his office, I walked into my office with Benji following me. Benji laid in his dog bed by my desk as I sat down in chair, I stared at my laptop then started searching the database, I heard voices but my eyes stayed focused on the screen, my office door opened causing Benji to get excited.

Grace:"Hi mom."
Me:"Hey Gracie, is it really that time already?"
Grace:"Yea, dad wants to speak to you."

I looked up from the screen,

Me:"Where is he?"
Grace:"In his office, I'll stay here with Benji."
Me:"I'm sure he would love your company, there are a few treats on the bookshelf."

Grace nodded as I stood up, I petted Benji and walked out of my office going into Danny's. He looked up and smiled,

Me:"Grace said you wanted to speak with me?"
Danny:"I do, come here."

I walked over to him and leaned up against his desk,

Danny:"Rachel called me to see Grace, I told her no then she threatened to keep my son away from her so I told her I'll be taking her to court for custody."
Me:"Chin told me."
Danny:"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I should have called you while I was on my way to the courthouse.."

He looked down but I used my finger to lift his head,

Me:"I'm not upset with you Danny, yes I would have liked to find out about it from you first. But it's okay, we will win this case against her, your son will grow up in a happy home."
Danny:"I know but I feel like I'm putting this all on you, I don't want you to feel that way.."
Me:"Why? Because their not biologically mine? That doesn't matter to me Danny, I want your son to be with us, my only concern is that, with him being a newborn, we will be gone most of the time, Grace won't be able to take care of him."

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