Life Without You

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I sat there crying, I don't know how to tell Grace that Danny didn't make it. I feel terrible, her mother left her and now she has to grow up without a can this happen? I should have been more cautious, not only was Danny my life partner he was my work partner I should have protected his life a lot better then I did, maybe he would still be alive...but he's not. I looked up from the hospital floor to see Grace standing there, when she saw my face she knew something was wrong and ran to me.

Grace:"Mom? Where's dad?"

The lump in my throat grew bigger and all I could do was hug her and not let go.

Me:"Gracie, I'm so sorry...your dad was shot, he, he didn't make it sweetheart..."

Grace didn't say a single word just started crying. I saw Steve wipe his eyes and look at me. I didn't know what to say to anybody, I mainly wanted to be alone but I can't leave Grace. She's going to need me more then ever now,

Steve:"Come on, I'll drive you two home.."

I stood up and carried Grace outside to the car. I opened the door and sat her down so she could get in the backseat of Danny's car. I got in and buckled up, Steve got in and started driving to my house, I stared out the window but looked over after Steve swerved the car, I saw a car trying to make us wreck. When I looked forward I saw a semi coming straight at us, I threw myself to the back covering Grace so she wouldn't get injured, all I heard was a loud crushing sound as the semi hit us.

I jumped up rubbing my eyes breathing heavily,

Steve:"Mia, relax it's okay."
Me:"Where's Grace? I have to tell her that Danny didn't make it.."
Steve:"Huh? Mia, Danny's still in surgery."
Me:"What? The doctor told us he didn't make it, I need to tell Grace."

Steve sighed and laid his hand on my shoulder,

Steve:"Mia, you fell asleep. You've been asleep for almost four hours, the doctor came out when you were asleep to tell us that Danny was in immediate surgery. He should be out soon. Relax, go have a cigarette, your nerves are still shot."

I let out a shaky breath but nodded, I stood up and went to walk away but stopped since I saw a doctor walk out the double doors,

Doctor:"Mia McGarrett?"

I swung around,

Doctor:"Danny's in recovery now, we had a few complications. We lost him a few times but he's alive, surgery was successful. Let's let him rest for awhile and I'll come get you when he's awake."
Me:"Thank god, thank you doctor."

He nodded and Steve followed me outside. I sat on the cement post lighting up a cigarette,

Steve:"See, I told you he would make it."
Me:"Yea, but that dream felt so real. I could feel Grace's hug."
Steve:"I get that, but Mia it was just a dream."
Me:"Yea I suppose it was since Danny died in it and well never mind.."
Steve:"No, what is it?"

I sighed and took a long drag of my cigarette then exhaled,

Me:"After I told Grace about Danny, you told me that you would drive Grace and I home. We took Danny's car, halfway there a car tried running us off the road, you kept swerving and when I looked forward a semi was coming towards us, you couldn't go left cuz of the car and if you went right we would have went off a cliff so I got in the backseat covering Grace as the semi hit us and that's when I woke up."
Steve:"Wow, you have some pretty wild dreams."
Me:"Yea tell me about it. It's just my fears."
Steve:"It'll get better."
Me:"Yea I suppose so."

Steve went to say something but stopped when we heard voices. I looked up to see our dad with Grace, when she saw me she started running towards me, I tossed the half cigarette I had to the ground sliding off the cement post and opened my arms as Grace leaped up into my arms. I hugged her tight,

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