Can't Lose You..

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Danny's P.O.V

I sat with Steve and the gang in the waiting room for several hours.

Grace:"How much longer dad?"
Me:"I'm not sure monkey."
Catharine:"Grace, are you hungry?"
Catharine:"Come on let's get something to eat my treat."
Me:"Thanks Catharine."

She nodded and left with Grace. I sighed and rubbed my face.

Steve:"She'll pull through."
Me:"I know but she's been through enough, losing her mom at a young age, abusive ex boyfriend, explosion at the warehouse with Wo Fat and now this?"

Steve sighed then turned towards me,

Steve:"Look, Danny she's a tough kid. She's going to make it she's a McGarrett after all. Besides I don't want her looking any further into our mother's case. After this she shouldn't be around it at all but it's her job. But will you help me keep her away from the case? Cuz she may not make it the next time."
Me:"I was afraid of that but yea I can help."
Steve:"Thanks Danny."
Me:"Yea. So are you going back after this?"
Steve:"No. I'm gonna hang out for a bit on the island to make sure Mia is alright but in the meantime I will be working on that case so I won't be around as much just so she will be safe."
Me:"But, you will come around so she knows your still alive, right?"
Steve:"Yea of course."

I nodded and saw a doctor walking towards us so I stood up.

Doctor:"Family for McGarrett?"
Me:"Yes, tell me she's fine.."
Doctor:"Yea, she pulled through. Replaced her ribs, got all the blood out of her lung. She'll be fine."
Me:"That's great news doc but uh what about her head? She hit it when she fell with the building."
Doctor:"Right, sorry. She has a small fracture on her skull but nothing that left any permanent damage, we have her in a room right now, if you want to go see her I'll show you."
Me:"That would be great but our daughter is in the cafeteria with Mia's brothers girlfriend."
Doctor:"I see, well her room number is 306, whenever your daughter gets back just go ahead and walk on back."
Me:"Thanks doc."

The doctor nodded with a soft smile and walked away,

Steve:"Did you just say 'our daughter' to the doctor?"
Me:"Yes, yes I did."
Steve:"Huh. Okay."
Me:"What? Is that a problem?"
Steve:"Nope. Not at all."
Catharine:"Hey, the doctor come talk to you yet?"
Me:"Yea he just left a moment ago. We wanted to wait til you guys got back to go see her."
Steve:"Alright let's go."

We all walked through the doors heading towards Mia's roo. When we got there they let me go in first, I walked into the room seeing Mia was lying there awake,


I sat in the chair next to her and grabbed her hand,

Me:"How are you feeling?"
Mia:"Hurting but I don't want nothing to do with my moms case. Twice now that I almost died, I can't go through with it a third time."
Me:"Good, Steve doesn't want you working on the case either."
Mia:"He must be so mad at me.."
Me:"No, he's not mad just worried."
Mia:"Why didn't he leave?"
Me:"Well, he got the same call you did. So both him and Catharine stayed to see what it was about, after what happened to you they both rushed to the scene to see if you were okay."
Mia:"How's Grace?"
Me:"She's okay, really worried about you but she's fine. Look, after you get out of here take some time off get back to 100 percent then come back to work."

She laughed a little then sat up slowly.

Mia:"You know I can't do that but I'll try."
Me:"Good, so are you up for some company?"
Mia:"Their all here aren't they?"
Mia:"Why did they not come in when you did?"
Me:"Wanted you to see me first is all."

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