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Danny opened the front door to my house and let me walk inside first to see Steve, Cat, Grace and both Chin and Kono standing there.

Steve:"Welcome home Mia!"
Me:"Hey guys."
Catharine:"How do you feel?"
Me:"I could use a beer and a smoke."-I laughed-
Danny:"Not with that pain medication you aren't."

I groaned and rolled my eyes.

Me:"Come on, we all three got blown away from the explosion, my head is trying to go through different scenarios. I just want to relax."
Danny:"One beer."
Me:"Yes dad."

Danny scrunched his nose at me then shook his head. I slowly walked to the kitchen opening the fridge grabbing a beer then grabbed the pack of cigarettes off the counter and opened the back door going outside. I strolled to the grassy part of the yard and grabbed a chair placing it down then sat down facing the ocean. After lighting a cigarette I took a long drag and twisted the cap off the beer sitting back taking a sip as I kept my eyes on the ocean. The pictures of my dad's dead body kept coming back, I sighed and took another drag off the cigarette.

Steve:"Mind if I sit with you?"

I nodded instead of speaking. Steve plopped a chair next to me and sat down. He looked at me then stared out into the ocean.

Steve:"Do you really believe dads dead?"
Me:"Those pictures didn't look fake Steve. Dads dead, we'll just have to accept it."
Steve:"You don't know how lucky you are Mia."
Me:"Lucky? You all keep saying I almost died, I don't see how any of that was lucky. Besides if I had kept my nose out of it and didn't bug you to tell me, maybe none of it wouldn't have happened. But hey who knows."
Steve:"Mia, you had a near death experience. I told you Wo Fat was very dangerous."
Me:"That he may be but he wasn't the one who launched the grenade either. Who knows if he even survived that Steve. We left him there lying on the ground, why? Because we are both angry, yes he was behind moms death but there has to be more to it Steve. We're just not seeing it, I can't go back to work for at least a week. I'm not going to just sit here twiddling my thumbs waiting for him to pop up again if he's alive."

Steve sat there in silence he knew I was right, but I feel like there's about to be a 'but' coming from his mouth so I just sat there waiting. I sighed and looked at Steve,

Steve:"I know. But I don't want you going after him. He will kill you this time. You are better off here at home, Mia, I'm only saying that because I care. You and I? We're the only family each other has, and I'm not letting you risk your life. Let it go Mia, promise me you will NOT go after Wo Fat?"

I looked down then took a big drink of my beer,

Steve:"Promise me Mia."
Me:"I promise."
Steve:"Thank you. Are you hungry? I was gonna run to the store pick up some steaks, hamburger meat and get things to make salad."
Me:"Yea sounds nice Steve."
Steve:"Don't sound like that Mia. You can be mad at me if you want but I'm sorry."
Me:"It's fine Steve, I just want to be alone for a moment."

He nodded and stood up walking away. I sighed and lit up another cigarette, a slightly sharp pain rushed through my head causing me to drop the cigarette and grip my skull groaning,

Danny:"Mia!"-he yelled-

I gripped my skull harder and was halfway in the fedle position in the chair. Danny dropped to his knees in front of me and pried my hands off my head and slowly rubbed my skull, my eyes twitched and everything stopped. I looked at Danny like nothing had happened,

Danny:"Are you okay Mia?"
Me:"I feel fine."
Danny:"Don't lie to me."
Me:"I'm not, that pain was strange but I'm fine now. It went away."
Danny:"No more drinking."

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