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I sat in my room staring at my bedroom wall thinking about what Steve told me. A knock appeared at my door and I wiped my eyes getting up opening the door,

Danny:"Sorry, haven't heard from you since you left last night. Thought I would check up on you also I brought you some leftovers figured would help cheer you up."
Me:"I'm sorry I didn't call last night, just after Steve told me everything about my dad I just wanted to be alone. So about those leftovers?"
Danny:"It's fine hun and food is downstairs on the table plus it's already heated up. Come on."

I slightly smiled and followed Danny downstairs and to the kitchen.

Steve:"Finally she shows her face."
Danny:"Just needed to see mine is all."

I jokingly rolled my eyes and sat down taking a bite of meatloaf.

Me:"Still good but not as good as it tasted last night."
Danny:"I know but still counts right?"
Me:"Yea it does."-I smiled-
Danny:"Oh I also brought you a few slices of that strawberry cake too."
Me:"Mmm yummy, I was meaning to ask you before we started our conversation and had to leave in a rush, was that store bought or did you bake it?"
Danny:"I baked it well Grace helped a little but more so helped icing the cake."

I chuckled and he finally sat down next to me.

Me:"Well at least you know I like your cooking but your baking is awesome. If you look in the freezer our favorite ice cream is in there so we can always finish eating our dessert before I had to leave in a rush."
Danny:"That sounds great, then later if you want to will you go with me to pick up Grace from school? I know she would be happy to see you before I have to drop her off at her mother's."
Me:"Of course."

We both smiled at each other then heard Steve clear his throat.

Steve:"You two?"
Danny:"Dating? Yes."
Steve:"Ohhh so you two started dating last night?"
Me:"Yes Steve. Stop with the questions."
Steve:"Alright alright boss lady."
Catharine:"Steve! Leave those two alone and come help me locate your father."
Me:"Bye bye Steve."
Steve:"Yea we'll see about that. Oh yea you skipped out on our morning hike like we planned. Make it up tomorrow morning 6am."
Steve:"What why?"
Me:"I promised a young victims parents that I would attend their daughters funeral in the morning and I need to be at the courthouse for Danny to help him win his custody battle."
Steve:"You promised the parents? That's nice and different. But what if you can't make it to help Danny?"
Me:"Trust me I'll make it."
Steve:"Okay, well I'll be there too."

Cat walked in and grabbed the back of Steve's shirt pulling him out of the kitchen,

Me:"Thanks Cat!!"-I yelled-
Danny:"Were you two like this as kids?"
Me:"Oh you have no idea but yea big time."

Danny smiled and shook his head then looked at me.

Danny:"You sure you'll be able to attend both the funeral and the court?"
Me:"Have you not seen me do just about 10 things in one day?"
Danny:"Well yea but that's work tho."
Me:"Work or home, I can do it I promise."
Danny:"Okay I believe you."
Me:"Good. Now about that ice cream and cake?"
Danny:"Yes ma'am.'

Danny leaned in kissing me before he got up. We heard footsteps and he pulled away.

Steve:"I saw nothing just getting some drinks. Carry on."

I glared at Steve as he smiled while grabbing a couple drinks. Danny patted my leg and stood up grabbing the cake then the ice cream as Steve walked out. I slightly sighed and watched Danny put a scoop of ice cream on the slices of cake, once he put the ice cream up he returned to his spot setting a plate in front of me.

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