Leaving Again

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It's been a few days since I've been home. My head hurts every now and then but I kept myself busy, Danny and I secretly worked on finding out the truth, I sat on the couch with my laptop on my lap, Danny walked back into the living room sitting next to me and handed me my drink. I took a drink and sat it on the table next to me but never looked away from the laptop.

Danny:"So your mom was a CIA agent?"
Me:"Yea and my dad was a cop. Guess I followed one of his footsteps after all."
Danny:"Yea you did. What else you find?"
Me:"If I'm reading this correctly, she probably didn't die at all. But why fake your own death? Why do that to your family?"
Danny:"I'm not sure hun."

Before I could say anything else the front door opened, I looked back to see Steve and Cat walking in so I closed my laptop and sat it on the coffee table.

Steve:"Do I even want to know?"
Me:"No. What are you doing here?"
Steve:"Came to get our stuff."
Steve:"Mia, our leave is up today we have to go back."
Steve:"I'll be back before you know it Mia. I promise."

I jumped up and looked at him,

Me:"Stay, join five-o."

Steve lightly laughed but stopped since he saw the serious look on my face, he sighed and crossed his arms.

Steve:"Your serious?"
Me:"Yea, I mean I haven't seen you in forever and now you have to leave again.."
Steve:"Look, how about this. I go back, finish the tour and talk to my commanding officer about leaving. If he agrees then I'll join five-o."
Steve:"I promise."
Me:"You too Rollins. Whenever you want to leave the Navy."
Cat:"Maybe, we'll see Mia."

I nodded and they went upstairs to the bedroom they were staying in. Danny stood up and hugged me from behind. Steve and Cat walked down the stairs and looked at me and Danny,

Steve:"You take care of my sister while I'm gone Danny."
Danny:"You know I will."
Steve:"I love you Mia, be safe okay?"
Me:"Love you too Steve. Stay alive, we need you back here."
Steve:"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I'll see you soon."

They went to leave but I pulled Steve back and hugged him tight. Steve smiled and hugged me, I let go and they left. I frowned and sat on the couch,

Danny:"Mia he'll be fine he can take care of himself."
Me:"I know."
Danny:"Wanna go back to work?"
Me:"Yea but what time is it?"

Danny looked at his phone then stood up,

Danny:"Time to pick Grace up from cheerleading practice."
Me:"Alright let's go pick her up then."

We left the house and headed towards the school. Once we arrived we got out and walked inside going to the gym. Danny and I walked through the gym door to see Grace with her friends, they were finishing up a cheer which made me laugh a little. Grace saw us and waved, we waved back and waited. Once they were finished Grace ran over to us with a smile.

Me:"Did you have fun?"
Grace:"Yea, dad are we going back to your house?"
Danny:"Probably monkey."
Grace:"Awe."-she frowned-
Me:"You don't have to. The house is empty without you two."

Grace smiled and grabbed her bag then we headed for the car. Once we were all in the car I turned towards Grace.

Me:"Since Steve and Cat are gone I can turn that room into yours for when your at my house."
Me:"Yea why not."

We smiled and I turned around to see Danny with a soft warm smile on his face. Danny pulled into the driveway and shut off the car, I got out letting Grace out, she ran up to the front door and waited.

Being 5-OOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora