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Jungkook P/O/V

Today looks beautiful for once, or maybe it's just my mood cheering me up.
The birds are singing, the trees are dancing and I'm closer than ever to getting rid of Hoseok.

Speaking of the plan...
Let's check up on little Y/N.

I walked over to my phone and opened up the footage . There she lay, playing on her phone.

So beautiful...

I screenshot the moment because..well it's special?

So now, the last thing to do is to feed Yoongi. Not really interested in having to deal with a dead body.

On the side, prepared beforehand was a bowl of rice, he didn't deserve anything else.

I went up to my room and into my closet, placing the bowl in front of him. The fabric covering his mouth had fallen allowing him to speak.

"Wow I thought you wouldn't feed me" He hissed weakly.

"Yes, I'm generous aren't I?" Be grateful you're getting anything.

He snorted loudly,

"Fuck off. I'm not eating anything you give me"

Ah didn't this boy learn any manners?

"Fine. Starve"

I left him before he could said anything else. His voice hurts my ears. Like seriously, ungrateful cunt.

I grabbed my bag and made my way to my ride , I had a long day ahead of me...

Word count:234

AN: sorry that this is only a short update, next chapter will be longer.

Also THANKYOU sM FoR 4K!!!!!

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