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Jungkook P/O/V

So everything's gone to plan so far.
Seems like everyone's distracted.

The cameras are rolling, I've still got access to Hoseoks Instagram, so surely this time tomorrow Y/N and panini head will no longer be a thing.

I'm so smart aren't I?

I feel like laughing but that would draw attention so no.

The squad was invited to sleep at the Parks after the party, seeming as everyone would probably be drunk.

So when morning strikes the video will be uploaded and Y/N will be mine :)

I just hope no one fucking gets in my way. I mean not after everything I've had to endure.

Namjoon P/O/V

I'd reached the location. A massive fucking house, whoever lives here is loaded. I made my way to the door and banged on it a little more harsher than i expected. 

I couldn't wait to see Yoongi, I'd missed him so much. I just prayed to god that he was here. 

If no one answers this damn door in the next 10 seconds I will not HESITATE to fucking break in. I stood nervously, biting my nails. 

Again I banged the door, hoping to get some sort of response. 

I saw a slight tint of a shadow emerging from inside the door, could it be?

As soon as the door opened I engulfed the skinny man into my arms.

Oh how small he'd become..

"I missed you so much joonie" Yoongi choked, holding back his tears.

As we stayed together for awhile the sudden question came to mind.

Who had done this monstrosity.

"Yoongi, tell me who did this"

He quivered in my arms, mewling non stop.

"Please tell me Yoongi" I whispered, rubbing his back.

"I-it was J-Jungkook" he cried, breaking down completely.

I gritted my teeth and held the small man tighter than I'd ever held anyone.

I knew this was Jungkook. He's a sick fuck.

I fucking knew it from the start. Although I want to bash his nut up, Yoongi was way more important.

I looked at Yoongi, quiet snores submerging from his mouth.

I mean as much I want to get out of this hell house, it would be nice to let Yoongi get some rest and food. Plus i'm pretty sure if Jungkook came back I would be able to take him out. 

AN:  here's an UPDATE guys!! 💓
!!Thank you SO-FUCKIN-MUCH-FOR-40K!!


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