Chapter 3

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I came home from school and as I walk through the door Jay was lying on the couch. "Where's my mom" I ask. "The bitch went to the supermarket and where's your sister" he said. "Don't you dare call my mom a bitch your rubbish and where my sister is, is none of your damn business. Why don't you do something with your own fucking life and get a job cause all I can see is that you living off my dad's money. "
As soon as that came out of my mouth he jumped up and I ran to our room and lock the door from the inside. Thank God Angela is at her friend Amy's house, I will sneak out later to get her from her friend. I can't take this shit anymore. We have to keep it a secret of what's going on at home. Not one of us would dare to bring friends over because mom and Jay were always intoxicated. My mom is always pissed out of her mind, I wouldn't be surprised if she uses drugs with Jay.

After about two hours I put on my sneakers and jacket to pic up Angela. As I wanted to open my bedroom door I hear mom and Jay arguing, I freeze on the spot and listen to what they saying. "you better sort out that bitch of a daughter of yours because if you don't then I will sort you out, do you fucking hear me" I heard Jay say to my mom. "I will talk to her about it, mom said.

"You know what, let me show you how to sort out that bitch, I will show her one's and for all who the boss is in this house", Jay said. The next instant I hear the cupboard door open and mom begging him not to do it. I closed my bedroom door quietly and lock it again and then sat on my bed when I hear them outside my bedroom. Then I hear the banging on my door. " You think you so high and mighty, your piece of shit. Well, now I will just show you who the boss is in this house. Your dad is dead, because he couldn't stand to be near you, so from now on there  will be no more reminders of him" he said.

I put my hand over my mouth so they can't hear me as tears ran down my face. After a few minutes I hear them go out by the front door to who knows where and went to my bedroom door and open it. As I wanna step out I got the shock of my life.

No, no, no, oh God no... this can't be. There at my feet lies all my dad's photo's torn to pieces. I fall down on my knees and started screaming. I pic up the pieces and held it to my chest and cried like a baby. My heart felt like it just broke into a thousand pieces. How can anyone be so cruel to do something like this. I hate him so much. After a while I got up and collect all the pieces of photos and took it inside my room. I put it down on my bed while looking through my cupboard for something to put it into. I just put everything into an old shoebox I have. I looked at the clock and rushed to the bathroom to wash my face and pic up Angela. I ran back to my room and hide the box under my bed so Angela doesn't see it.

"Hi Mrs Strauss, I'm here to pic up Angela" I said to Amy's mom. "Hi sweetheart, come inside, they in the back room watching movie. Are you ok my girl, because you look like you've been crying." I smiled sadly at her.

" I'm fine, thank you Mrs S, just had something in my eye" I lied. She looked at me for a while and said to me," you know my girl, if there is anything you want to talk to me about I will be there for you." I just looked down and mumbled a thanks and that nothing was wrong. How can I tell anyone what's really going on at home. Luckily Angela and Amy came inside the room so I looked at Angela and asked if she enjoyed her day and we said our goodbyes.

We got home and again only Jay was there, so we went straight to our room. About 8 o clock Jay knocked on my bedroom door and shouts that the food was ready. I wasn't hungry but I know Angela have to eat so I went  with her. I didn't wanna look at that man's face for what he did to dad's photo's. As we went into the kitchen I see the food is on the table and two glasses of juice. Angela immediately started eating her food. I just sat and looked at her. Since dads death she was never the same, she's like a little girl, so child-like, you won't say she's 12 already." Aren't you gonna eat your food," Jay said. I just looked at him and didn't answer. I just took my juice and drank that. After a bit I looked at Angela and saw that she was half asleep at the table. I got up to take her to the room, that's when I felt it, I've been drugged.

The Broken One(Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora