Chapter 33

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Erik's pov:

It felt like hours that we sat in the waiting room, still there's no news. I  get up and start pacing, why do they take so long.  I look at my siblings, they all sit with the same anguish look on their faces. 'Dear God, what happened to Darla,' I think to myself.

I think of the condition she was in when we found her. Broken, completely broken, that's how we found her. If I just think of what that bastard did, I wanna kill him all over again. I get so mad just thinking of it, why wasn't I there to protect my sister. I see the door to the waiting room open and a doctor appears. He looks around and ask for Darla's immediate family. We all step forward, so I turned to my siblings, "why don't you guys stay here and I will go with Sara to speak to the doctor." They immediately protest, so the doctor turned to them and said that it would be best if he only talks to me and Sara for the moment. That's when I knew something was wrong.

We follow the doctor until the end of the corridor and steps into a small office. He looks at us with a grim look on his face. "We have done all we can to safe Darla's life, twice her heart gave in, but we manage to safe her. Her condition is critical at the moment. She is badly damaged and in a coma. We don't know how long it will be for her to wake up. It could be hours, days or even month. She has a lot of swelling on her brain."

He looks down for a second and look at us again. "I don't know how to say this to you, but your sister  suffered multiple broken bones, we wont know the extend of her injuries until she wakes up, but....."

"What are you saying doctor, what's wrong with her," I ask him. "I'm sorry, but Darla has been brutally raped as well," he says. Then I just lost it and stormed out of the office into the hallway with Sara on my heels. ", it can't be, no God, what have my little sister had to endure in the hands of that man." I hit the wall with my fist over and over again while tears runs down my face. I hear someone calls out to me, but I just keep on hitting the wall until someone grabs me and turns me around. "You need to calm down Erik, you scaring everyone."

I look at Mark, then look around me. I see that my other siblings have all gathered around me with frightened looks  on their faces. I still here the doctors words in my head. "She have been raped, Darla have been raped." I look at my siblings again, then my eyes caught Jonathan standing alone to one side with the most heartbroken face I have ever seen.

Oh God, how can I tell this boy what happened to the girl he cares for so much, how will I tell Joy and Angela. I lowered my head and hear Jonathan's broken voice. "Is she d.." He starts sobbing uncontrollably. "Pl..please tell me Darla is...," before he can continue I look at him. "Darla is in a critical condition, she is in a coma for now, because she has swelling on the brain."

I look towards Sara and our eyes meet, I've decided not to tell my other siblings and Jonathan about the extent of Darla's injuries. I look back at Jonathan and my sisters. "I'm sorry that you had to see me the way you did, I was upset for what happened to Darla,"I said to them.

The doctor has told us that only two people is allowed to see Darla at a time for the moment. I look at my siblings and Sara said she would like to go in first with Angela, then Joy would go in with Father Patterson as he is as close as family. I'm going in last with Jonathan as I don't know how he would take it when he sees Darla like this.

My other siblings went into Darla's room and were sobbing when they came out, so now its my turn to go with Jonathan to see Darla. We walk into the room and Jonathan moved straight to Darla's side, took her hand and fell to his knees while sobbing uncontrollably.

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