Chapter 8

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We sat at the table and before we ate Sara looks around the table at us and ask who's gonna say prayers for the food. I just lowered my head and kept quite. "Darla, will you pray for us," so I just looked at her and freeze up. "Darla.." She said again and I just shake my head no and looked down again. "Ok, is there anyone else that will say prayers for us," she said, so Joy did. I ate a little bit and then pushed my food around on my plate.

Afterwards we all clean the kitchen. Sara came to me and asked me if she can talk to me before she and Bianca leaves, so I just followed her.
"Ok Darla, can you please tell me what's really going on. You not the same girl I know and I'm worried about you." "Nothing is going on sis," I said. "Stop the crap Darla, I told you mom is gonna get the best treatment, so things will get better from now on." "Is it really gonna get better, Darla, because I don't think so."

"How can you say something like that, what happened to your faith to believe in God, to trust in Him." "Faith, faith, don't tell me about faith, Sara. Where was God when I needed him most," I screamed at her and she looked at me with pure shock. "Don't you know Darla, everything happens for a reason, don't stop believing. Talk to me, I can't help you if I don't understand what's going on in your mind." "Look Sara, I'm fine so just drop it ok, there's nothing wrong with me, I'm just having an off day."

Sara looks at me with a pained look on her face, but drops the subject. " Ok, I will let it go for now, but we are not finish talking. I'm going now but will see you guys on Monday or Tuesday when mom gets send to a private clinic." "How are we gonna pay for a private clinic for her if we don't have the money" I ask her. "Dad left money for her that she gets every month, that's how she managed to pay for the house and other stuff, so I'm gonna use some of that money to pay for the clinic." I just nod and shortly after that she and Bianca left. I look around the house and saw that most of the destruction that my mom and Jack created was cleaned up. 'Must of been Joy' I thought to myself. I went into the living room and saw Joy and Angela lying on the couch watching television. Joy looked up when I entered so I just said to her that I'm going to bed and the spare key for the house is on the counter in the kitchen so she has her own set of keys, because she have to leave early for work. I said goodnight and went to the bedroom.

As I look in the direction of my bed, I get a nauseating feeling when I think of what happened there, I ran to the bathroom and puked out the little bit of food I ate. I took a facecloth and clean my face, brush my teeth and went back to the bedroom. I rip everything off the bed while silent tears slip down my face and threw it in a corner then I lied down on my bed.

As I fell asleep the nightmare's started. I feel myself falling into a deeper sleep and I can see Jay's face and his laughing at me, he was laughing so hard and I started screaming at him, "leave me alone, just go away" and I feel someone shake me, "no go away, I beg you, just go away." "Darla, Darla, please wake up, Darla, listen to my voice sis, wake up, you having a nightmare." "," I whispered as I open my eye's. "Yes, come on, you safe, you had a nightmare." I looked at my sister and remember the dream, I look around the room searching to make sure his not there. "Nobody's here except us Darla, Joy said to me." I looked at Joy and then I just broke down, I started crying so hard and Joy just took me in her arms while whispering soothing words in my ears. I cried myself back to sleep while my sister sat with me in her arms.

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