Chapter 30

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Sara's pov:

I'm hugging Erik while tears runs down my face, I've missed him so much. I look over his shoulder and see three guys in military uniform standing behind him, so I dry my tears. Erik introduce them to us and told us that the guys was with him. They were send home because of injury, but they decided to come with Erik to help search for his missing sister.

We went to sit down while talking and Erik said to me that he wants to know everything that happened since he left. I start telling him what happened. While I'm talking Erik gets up and walks around the room still listening to what I'm telling him. When I get to the part of Darla being raped by Jay, he lost it. He takes a glass and throws it against the wall. My sisters starts panicking and one of his friends went to him and try calming him down.

Erik's pov:

I listen to Sara telling me what happened and when I hear what that bastard did to Darla, I nearly lost my mind. I throw the first thing I get my hands on against the wall. My best friend Mark rush to my side and tells me to calm down. Tears were running down my face. "Why didn't anyone notice something earlier," I said. Sara gets up and walks towards me. "Nobody knew, Erik. Darla didn't want anyone to find out, she just wanted to forget that it ever happened to her," Sara said.

"If I get my hands on that fucking bastard, I will kill him myself, I swear I will rip him to pieces," I scream out. "How could he do this to her, to my little sis," I say in a broken voice. Father Patterson that came with us to the house walks to me and said that I need to calm down as I'm scaring my siblings. I look at my sisters then at the young boy sitting one side with a heartbroken look on his face and remember that Sara told me about him in one of her letters, that he is Darla's friend, Jonathan.

I listen as Sara tells me the rest of the story that led up to the kidnapping. While listening, I think back to the time that we were still kids. I remember how Darla and Angela's dad accepted us as his own, how we were treated as his own flesh and blood. A sad tear runs down my face remembering the day he past away. I still remember his last words to me to take care of all my sisters. A sob breaks through my voice as I look back at my sisters. "I have failed dad," I whispers.

There was a knock on the door, so Sara went for the door first. She opens the door and I see some officer's standing there. The first thing one of them says is that they got the guy to talk and they forming a plan to go in. "I'm going as well, I wanna be there when you find Jay," I said to the officer and he said he doesn't think I should, as they don't know what's waiting for them.

"I don't give a fuck, its my sister and when we find her, she will need her family. I'm coming with you, if you like it or not," I shout at him. "Sir, we don't know in what condition she is, for all we know she could already be dead." I grab him by the shirt and everyone starts shouting at me to stop. "We will find her, we will find our little Darla," I say in a broken voice.

I look at my siblings and turn to get my stuff together. My three friends is also going with me. As we going for the door I see Jonathan standing there ready to go with us, a broken look on his face. "You need to stay with my sisters, Jonathan. I need you to take care of them until we come back," I say to him. "But...but.." Before he can finish his sentence, I take him by the shoulders. "Look, we running out of time, I know you wanna be with Darla, but now is not the time, so please take care of my other siblings for me, can you do that for me."

Without waiting for him to respond we turn and leave the house, escorted by the officers. On the way out one of the officers told us we will meet up with the rest of the people working the case. They know that Jay and another guy is holding my sister and three other girls hostage on a abandoned farm. They don't know at this stage if the girls are injured or anything. All they know is that they there. I was shaking so much, I will kill that man with my bare hands. "I'm coming Darla, don't give up on me my little princess, I'm coming to take you home," I whisper.

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