Chapter 14

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I start talking to Jonathan and he just looks at me. He didn't say much, just short answers when I ask him about school. The rest of the day went by so quick and then my sisters  and Father Patterson came over to me and said its time to go. As I start walking away Jonathan touched my hand and I look at him. "Will you come visit again," he asked. " Nothing will keep me away," I said and my sisters nodded as well in agreement.

We left the orphanage and on the way back to church Sara told Father Patterson that we would love to visit every weekend if they not working, but I decided to myself that I wanna be part of this children's life's so I will visit regularly.

On our way home Sara said to me she needs to make a quick stop. I saw her going into a small bakery and came out with a large box. I didn't question her about it and when we got home I went to my room to have a quick shower and as I come out of the bathroom Angela was standing there with a big grin on her face. "What's up sis, did something happen," I said to her. She shakes her head and said Sara and Joy is waiting for me to join them. As we walk into the living room I see balloons everywhere and then I see the big banner. "Happy birthday Darla," my sister's said similarly to me. 'Oh God, I forgot my own birthday,' I think to myself. I'm 15 today.

The rest of the day was so much fun, we ate cake and watch movies till late at night. Afterwards Sara got up and said she needs to leave, but will be back on Tuesday so we can go together to the hospital when they transfer Mom to the private clinic. "I've already phoned your school so you can have the day off on Tuesday," she said. I nod and thanked everyone again for making my birthday special.

Today is school again, I got to class and saw a few kids already inside so I walk to the back and there is Jonathan holding a seat for me. I sat down and so the day started. Lunchtime Jonathan comes over and sits with me in the cafeteria. We started talking in general and he told me a few things of his life. I told him about my sisters and mom, but my secret I keep to myself. I told him that I won't be at school the next day because of my moms transfer, he looks disappointed but said that he understands.

Sara came around early and Bianca was with her. We all got ready then leaves for the hospital. I hate hospitals, all these sick people, some of them dying even. We went to my moms room and she was already in a wheelchair to be escorted. She just looks at us so  Sara tells her that we doing fine, that it was my birthday on Sunday and that she needs to focus on getting better. Still she said nothing and looks right past us as if looking for someone so Sara ask her who she's looking for and when my mom finally said something, I wished that she would of just kept quite after all.

"Where's Jay, why didn't he come with you to visit me" and she looks at me accusingly. I just stand there not believing what I'm hearing and seeing for myself. "Mom," I hear Sara saying, "Jay is in jail, he was sentenced because of the attack on you and because they found drugs on him as well." My mom looks directly at me and points an accusing finger. "Its all your fault that he is in jail, your stupid bitch," she screams at me. I lost it at that moment and went to stand directly in front of her.

Sara took my hand to try and calm me down but I broke out of her hold to face my mom again. "You wanna accuse me of things Mother, but you forget that you were suppose to protect us. Where were you when I needed a mother. Where were you when that rubbish..." I look up when I hear one of my siblings gasp, so I just look back to my mom with tears in my eyes."You were supposed to be there mom, but you failed us."

I turn away from her and went to stand in front of my sisters. "I'm sorry guys, I can't deal with this. I will see you at home," and with that I walk out of the room. I can hear my sister's calling my name, but I just ignored them.

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