Chapter 36

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The next chapters of the book will be mostly Darla or Jonathan's pov. Please comment, vote and share the book with other readers.

Darla's pov:

Its been just over a month since I've woken up. My wounds have healed well enough for me to move around on my own. The doctor said that I might go home in the next  few days, so I'm pretty excited. I still don't remember anything except for what everyone told me. I still have nightmares, but still no memories came back of what happened to me. I get up to use the bathroom and then decided to have a quick shower. 'Maybe I will rest a while before I get any visitors this afternoon,' I though to myself.

After I washed myself, I get out of the shower and as I reach for my towel I accidentally slip and bump my head lightly. I laugh at my clumsiness, got up from the floor and dry myself. Maybe I should just lie down as I can feel my head starts aching again.

I went into the room, feeling fresh after my shower and got back into the bed. I press the button next to my bed and a nurse came in, so I asked her for something as I have a splitting headache. She leaves the room and returns a few minutes later with tablets. I take the tablets and relax against my pillows, closing my eyes. I feel myself drifting off after a short while.

I'm in a cage again, I see him standing over me. He starts laughing in my face. In the next instance he takes out a knife and cuts my dress. I start panicking and pleaded with him to stop. He grabs my legs and force it open, then I feel him enter me by force. I start screaming at the top of my lungs. I wake up shaking from head to toe. "Oh my God, o my God...this can't be true," I say over and over again while tears runs down my face.  I look around while thinking that I need to get out of here. I need to get away from everyone, I need time to think. Does my siblings know about the rape, what about Jonathan, does he know. How can I ever look him in the eyes again, knowing someone ruined me over and over again.

My mind is in overdrive, "what to do, what to do," I say over and over again. Then I remember one person that can help me, so I got off the bed and walked to the nurses station. I lied to them and said I want to phone my siblings to bring me some things. The nurse shows me how to use the phone, then telling me she will be back shortly. Luckily I know the number by heart as I don't have my phone anymore.

After a few rings I hear his voice. "Father Patterson speaking," I hear him say. "Father, its Darla, could you please come to the hospital, I need your help and don't tell anyone that I phoned you," I said in between sobs. He promises that he will see me in a short while, so I hanged up and went back to my room. I collect all my things that's in the room and pack it in a bag I found inside the closet. A short while later I see him walk into my room and I break down. I cry my heart out while telling him that I remember everything.

I told him that I need to get away from everything. He tries to convince me to talk to my siblings, but I shake my head. "I don't wanna see the pity in my siblings eyes Father," I said to him and again he said that my siblings will never judge me, that they care about me. "I don't wanna see anyone at the moment, please I'm begging you, aspecially Jonathan. How will I look him in the eyes after what happened to me." By now I was sobbing uncontrollably, so he said he will help me, but he can't just take me out of the hospital without letting my siblings know, so in the end he spoke to the doctor who signed the discharge papers and I left the hospital with him.

Father Patterson took me to his residents and got me some clothes. He phones an old friend of his and in a short time everything  was ready for me to leave. I got on a bus and he promised to be in contact with me and that he will go speak to my siblings personally as soon as the bus leaves.

He told me the town is small and his friend has a few places. This house has an old woman coming in twice a week to check on things and its walking distance from the beach. The woman will wait for me when I get off the bus and take me to the house. I'm sitting at the back of the bus, thinking of my life. Silent tears were running down my face. I feel so miserable, so alone. How do I move on from here, why did it happen to me. I still don't know what happened to that bastard, Jay.

I get to the place and got off the bus. Not a lot of people got off, there were four including myself. I look and see a woman around sixty standing one side. She looks at me and came closer. "Is your name perhaps Darla," she ask me so I nod, then she takes my hand and introduce herself as Mrs Harrington, saying that everything is ready for me and she will come by the house twice a week to stock up on anything I need, then she takes me to the house.

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