Chapter 12

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The next morning I got up, went to the bathroom and got dressed. I leave our bedroom on tip toes so that I don't wake Angela and walk into the kitchen to have some coffee and see Joy and Sara already sitting at the table having coffee and I mumbled a greeting.

Both my sisters looks at me and you can see the sadness in their eyes. I got some coffee and sat next to Sara. "Look, I don't want you guys to feel sad for me, I told you I need to deal with this on my own." Sara nods at me and ask me what time I'm leaving. "I'm leaving in a short while, I just need to get something from Mom's room," I said to her. I got up, rinse my cup and went to my moms room. I walk in slowly, I haven't been in her room for a while and start looking around, that's when I nearly went off my head.

Inside her room was all of Jay's stuff. A big photo of him was on my mom's dressing table and I see that nightmarish smile of his and hear his laugh in my head. I started screaming and smash the portrait against the wall. Sara and Joy comes running into the room and Sara grabs me screaming "Darla, what the hell is going on." I look at my sister as she tried calming me down. "We..wh ...why is
Jay's stuff still in the room," I screamed at her. I break free from my sister's arms  and went to the cupboards and rip them open. I start ripping clothes off the hangers and dump it on the floor. Sara grabbed me again while tears run down her face. "Please Darla, I'm begging you, you scaring us, calm down, we will get rid of everything. By the time you get back everything will be gone. We just didn't get the time to clear out the room."

I look at Sara and then at a crying Joy who was to scared to come close to me. I walk out of the room with my head down. I can't even look at my sisters, I feel to ashamed of myself. What must they think of me. I need to get out of this house.

Sara's pov:

We are still sitting at the kitchen table talking after Darla left the room I look at Joy and tell her about the card Darla showed me. "I still don't know what's wrong with Darla, but at least  I'm happy that she is gonna go see father Patterson. Hopefully she will open up more towards him", I say to Joy. Before Joy could respond to what I said we hear glass break and Darla screaming at the top of her lungs. We rush to where the sound comes from and what I saw makes me freeze on the spot. There in the middle of the room was Darla and she was crying and  half the room is trashed. I went to her and put my arms around her, trying to calm her down. What I can understand is that she wants Jay's stuff out of the house. What the hell did he do that makes her hate him this much. After she leaves I ask Joy to get some bags so we can get rid of all Jay's stuff before Darla comes back.

Darla's pov:

I walk down the street with a heavy heart. When I got to the church I made sure nobody is around, before going into the small chapel in the side of the church. I walk in slowly to the front of the chapel and went down on my knees and I look up. "God, its been awhile, I'm so sorry that I have failed you, I try to be a good person. I'm sorry that I have stopped believing in you, but God, please, I'm begging you, I need your help through this, I can't carry my burdens alone anymore. I feel empty inside God, I know now you had your reasons for taking Dad from me, but I feel as if I'm being punished for something. How do I deal with this, I can't talk to anyone but you God, so please, if you can hear me give me a sign what to do, I'm begging you," I pray while tears are running down my face. That's when I feel the light touch on my shoulder.

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