Chapter 18

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Darla's pov:

After Bianca left we all moved to the living room. A short while later Angela got up to go to bed and soon after that Joy excused herself as well. I look over at Sara and she looks back at me smiling, "sooo...Jonathan huh" and I blushed again. "No, he's only a friend sis, he is like me, we understand each other. She looks at me with a confused look, so I just look down at my hands. We sat there in silence for a while, then I look back at Sara.

"Sara, about this morning, I'm sorry what happened, I'm sorry that I stormed off like that." "You have nothing to be sorry about Darla, I know you have a lot on your mind, but know that I'm your sister and I love you. I will never stop loving you." Then I start crying uncontrollably and Sara got up from her seat and comes over to me and wrap her arms around me.

"I need to tell you something Sara, I need you to understand why I acted like that this morning," I say while sobbing. "You don't have to say anything now Darla, when you ready to tell me everything I will be here for you," she says.

"I wanna talk now Sara! This is driving me crazy." She nods at me and wait for me to continue. "Before I tell you everything I need you to promise me something, promise that my other sisters will never find out about this, I don't want them to treat me differently." Again she nods her head. So I started telling her my story.

"It started after you guys left, the drinking got worth. Mom and Jay were always arguing. They started staying away for days at a time, but I wasn't worried, because at least Angela didn't have to hear them fighting all the time. Then Jay started looking at us in a creepy sort of way. One day I saw him looking at Angela with a look I didn't like,  so I told him off." I am crying so much by now and Sara tells me to take a break, but I just shake my head. I need to get this off my chest sis, its killing me.

"A few days after the incident we came home from school and as usual Mom wasn't home. We walked inside the house and only Jay was home. We went straight to our room and later that night Jay knocks on our door to come and eat. We got to the kitchen and the food was ready. He even gave us juice. Angela went straight for her juice and drank most of it and started eating. I didn't touch the food, just drank my juice and after a few min..." My voice brakes and I'm trying to get the words out, but was crying to much and Sara rubs my back lightly and telling me that I don't have to tell her now. "Yes, I have to, I need to tell you everything." So she waits quietly for me to continue.

"A...after a few minutes I saw Angela falling asleep at the table and I got up...I got up to take her to our room, th...that's when I realised we both have been drugged." I hear Sara's indrawn of breath while she looks at me with tears running down her face. I carry on with my story. "It was so horrible sis,so unreal. Jay took Angela from me, I couldn't even move. A few minutes later he came back and carried me to the room. I saw Angela lying on her bed fast asleep and fully clothed and he...and he...O God Sara, I couldn't fight him. I felt so weak. H..he was standing over me and laughs in my face, then he starts ripping off my clothes." I hear Sara sobbing as much as I am by now. I look my sister in the eyes, "Sara..., Jay raped me, he raped me sis, it was hurting so much Sara, much. He has ruined me for life."

Sara holds me in her arms and said that I need to press charges against him. ", don't you get it Sara, I don't want the whole world to know what happened to me, I can't go through that humiliation, please Sara he is already in jail anyway and that's not the worst of it." Sara looks at me and ask what I mean, so I told her what happened the next morning when Mom came home and how he told Mom that I tried to come on to him. "Can you believe it Sara, mom believed that rubbish and she attacked me. I hate them so much."

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