Chapter 21

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Time went by and my mom's condition didn't change at all, she's actually getting worse. Dr Baker keeps Sara up to date. They have actually went out a few times on a date and my sisters are always teasing her about the doctor.

I became a lot closer to Jonathan, but still wasn't ready for a relationship. He told me everything about his life and what happened to his family. I still haven't told him what happened to me. We both take one step at a time. I care about Jonathan a lot and he knows that something bad has happened in my past, but that I'm not ready to talk about it. This is our final year at school, I haven't decided yet what I wanna do next year. Jonathan will be helping my sister at her diner, she has already helped him with his driver's licence, so he will be driving one of the company's trucks, he is very exited about it.

One evening Sara just got off the phone and she looks at me with a mysterious look on her face. "What's going on sis, who were you talking to on the phone," so she just smiles at me. "Oh, let me guess, is it your Dr Baker that puts that smile on your face." Sara went as red as a tomato and I couldn't help to laugh at her. "Actually, it was someone else, but you will know soon enough, though." I look at Sara, but didn't push her for an answer. Before I went to my room, Sara ask me if I'm still helping at the orphanage tomorrow, so I nod and left the room.

The next day we all went to the orphanage and Sara was going on like a little girl. I ask her about it and she said I have to wait and see, so I was nervous by the time we stopped.

Sara pushed me to go in first and when I got inside, there was a big banner saying, 'Darla, would you like to go to the prom with me'. I feel someone touch my shoulder and there Jonathan is standing with a beautiful bouquet of roses, so I smile at him and nods my head saying yes, I would love to go and everyone started clapping hands.

A few weeks later Sara said to me we gonna go dress shopping and get some extra clothes for us. She is in full control of my moms money that my dad left her. I was kind of exited to get new things for myself, so was Angela.
We first buy all the casual clothes then we start looking for a dress. We've been to so many shops, but I couldn't find the perfect dress, so Sara said we can go into the city next week if I can't find anything I like. We were sitting at one of the small take away shops having something to eat and Angela was telling us about school and her friends at school, so I start looking around and then saw an old antique shop. I look at Sara and ask if its ok if I go and explore inside the shop. She nods and says they will meet me there. I go inside and look around, they sell all kinds of stuff. I walk further and saw racks and racks of clothing so I went straight to it. A saleslady came to me and I explained what I'm looking for. She looks me up and down and said she have the perfect dress for me, she will just get it from the back room and I can fit it on.

After a few minutes she came back with a bag and shows me where to get dress. I change into the dress and look at myself in the mirror. Its beautiful and I knew that this is the dress I want. I take the dress off and put it back in the bag, so no one will see it before the prom. When I came out of the changing room I see Sara and Angela is waiting, so I told Sara I want the dress, but no one can see it till the night of the prom. She paid happily for it, then we leave the shop and go home.

A month later I was in my room getting ready for prom. My sisters were all there, even Bianca and they were so exited for me. They helped me with my make-up and hair, then I told them to wait in the living room while Angela helps me into my dress. "Wow sis, you look like a princess," Angela said to me. My dress is a beautiful green dress with spaghetti straps that fits me like a second skin and it has a short jacket with it. I walk into the living room and everyone was gushing over me. After a whole lot of photos were taken, there was a knock at the door and I saw a guy in a suit. He said that my car for the night was ready. I look at Sara and she said that everyone clubbed together to make my night special. We will stop at the orphanage first to pick up Jonathan and from there we will go to the school. I waved at my sisters and followed the guy out the door and thinking by myself; 'where have I seen this guy before.'

Sara's pov:

I'm so happy for Darla, she deserves so much happiness in her life. She looks so beautiful, it actually brings tears to my eyes. After Darla left we were all still talking when my phone rings. I look at my phone to see who the caller is. "Good evening Father Patterson, how are you. Did you get to see how beautiful Darla is looking tonight. Jonathan must of been speechless." "Sara, I'm afraid I have some bad news and I need you to listen carefully. The car never showed up, we found the guy that's suppose to drive the car. He was knocked out. We got him to wake up and he said he was hit from behind. They even robbed him of the clothes he was wearing." I look at my phone and started screaming. My sisters came running and demand to know what's going on. I look at them while crying; " Darla has been kidnapped."

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