Chapter 7

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The officer has phoned Sara and explained everything to her, also that they found some drugs on Jay. The ambulance have taken my mom to hospital, she could hardly walk because of the beating and still she called out for Jay. I couldn't believe my ears that she still wants him after the severe beating. My mom needs serious help. The officer just looked at me with pity in his eyes and I thought to myself ' I don't need your fucking pity.'

Sara came with my other two sisters and they had Angela with them.  Sara went to the officer and he spoke to her in a hushed tone while my other sisters came to sit with me. I just sat there and thought to myself ' why is life so fucked up; why is people put on this earth just to go through this shit every day. After a short while the officer gave Sara his card and left. Sara came over to us and explained that mom is getting treated in hospital then she will go away for a while to get proper treatment for her drinking problem. She came to stand in front of me and explained that my sister Joy will come and stay with us while my mom is gone for her treatment. I just looked at her without saying anything. "Darla, are you ok, are you fine with Joy staying with you and Angela because I'm very busy at work at the moment. Whenever I get a day off I will come spend it here with you guys." Again I just nod at her. "Darla, talk to me please, I can't understand you if you just nod your head at me".

I jump up and start pacing, going crazy inside my head. " Can you believe it, after that rubbish beat her to a pulp, she still called out to him when the officers took him away", I screamed at Sara. " Mom didn't even knowledge her own children once, what type of mother is she to worry more about a piece of shit like that. Isn't a mother suppose to love and protect her children." Sara walked to me and tried putting her arms around me, but I brushed her off. "Ok Darla, I know what mom did was wrong, but she's gonna get some help now and everything will start coming right. Jay will go to jail for a while so he will be out of your life." "No Sara, its to late, nothing will ever be the same again," I said to her and walks out of the room to my bedroom. I hear Angela calling for me and Sara telling her to give me some alone time.

I closed my bedroom door and went to the bathroom attached to our bedroom and lock the door behind me. I turn on the shower so that the noise muffles out the  wrenching sound that came out when the tears starts coming. I cried and cried and it felt as if my heart is torn out of me. Why am I still on this earth, why should I go through all this heartache, it will be so easy to just end it all. I hear a knock on the door and Sara calling out to me if I'm ok, so I swallowed a few times before answering, "yeah I'm ok sis, just having a quick shower." "Ok, hurry up and come join us, I'm making us supper before I have to leave." " Ok, I will be there in a few minutes " I said to her.

I stripped down quickly and got in the shower, a few tears still escaping. I turn off the water and wrapped a towel around myself and stood in front of the mirror. I looked at myself and again the images pops up. I looked down at the basin in the bathroom and see the razor lying there. I picked it up and looked at myself again.  I can't even look at myself anymore without thinking of what happened. It will be so easy to just kill myself and be free from all this. Another knock came and I hear Angela calling me. I get dress as quick as I can and open the door. " Darla, Sara said the food is ready and we all waiting for you." " Now let's go before we don't get any food," I joked with her and she starts giggling.

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