Chapter 34

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Jonathan's pov:

I walk into Darla's hospital room and my heart breaks into a thousand pieces when I saw her lying on that bed. She looks so lifeless, so I walk over to her bed and takes her hand. I look at her and tears runs down my face. I fall to my knees and cry for Darla, I cry my heart out for this precious girl that has gone through so much.

Erik left the room some time ago, I haven't even notice him leaving. Every day I sat there holding her hand while talking to her. On the fourth day of sitting there, Erik told me if I don't eat something and at least have a shower, because I stink, he will kick me out of the room.  I fought over leaving Darla, so we came to an agreement that I will shower at the hospital, using Darla's bathroom. Erik will bring me some clothes from home and I will get something from the cafeteria downstairs, while I'm away from Darla, someone will sit with her till I get back.

After about a week and a half, she still didn't wake up. I just came back from using the bathroom. Mark and Joy was sitting with Darla. I look at them and ask if there's any changes. They told me the doctor was there and had examined Darla, that her wounds is healing and the swelling on the brain has diminished. Her face still have a bit of swelling and its still bruised. Joy said that the doctor said that Darla may wake up any day now. The next day I was sitting as usual beside Darla when I feel movement. I sit up straight and look at Darla, then I see the movement in her fingers.

I jump up and leaned in and looked at her face, 'nothing', a few minutes later I hear the so soft moan.  I look at her face again. 'Is she waking up', I thought to myself. I see a nurse at the entrance of the door, so I called her over, "I think she's waking up," and explained that Darla moved. She went to the bed and checked on Darla then she turned to me and said she will go get the doctor.

I walk back to Darla and takes her hand. I look at her face and see a movement by her eyelids. I bend forward. "Darla, it me Jonathan, open your eyes for me angel, I've missed you so much. Please open your eyes." Her eyelids flutter again, then she opens her eyes. I stand there with tears in my eyes while looking at her. I hear someone entering the room, but was only focused on Darla.

She open her eyes, looks around as if confused, then her eyes settles on me. She looks at me confused. "Where am I," she whispers at me. "You in the hospital, don't you know  what happened," I ask her and she shakes her head. She looks around again then back at me. "I'm sorry, I feel confused, but who are you," and I nearly collapsed from her words.

"Its me Jonathan" and I start telling her how we know each other  and that she was my date for the prom before she was kidnapped. She looks at me with big eyes, "I've been kidnapped, how...when." I went closer to her and take her hand, but she pulled back and I look at her. " were on your way to meet me and we would of gone to the prom together, then you were kidnapped by a guy who is a friend of your mother's husband Jay." She looks at me like a scared rabbit, then grabs her head and screams out in pain.

I see a movement next to me and a doctor told me to wait outside so he could examine her. I didn't wanna move from her side, so a nurse took me by the arm and said that as soon as the doctor was finish with his examination, I can come back in, so I walk outside and take out my phone. I dial the number and after two rings Erik answer. "Erik, Darla is awake," before I could finish he said "we on our way" and the line went dead.

In a record time I see the siblings rushing down the passage, the same time as Darla's door opens. The doctor comes out and close Darla's door. "May I speak to you before any of you go back to see Darla," he says, so we move away from her room and follow the doctor to one of the waiting rooms. He looks at all of us, then down at the file in his hand. "Darla's injuries is healing, but I'm afraid because of the emotional shock she have dissociative amnesia and its classified as psychogenic, which means she has temporary loss of personal memories and identity."

He looks down at the file again, then back up. "Darla will be in hospital until her wounds heals enough for her to move around on her own, but when she leaves, it would be advised that she sees someone professional to help her through her emotional state. I can propose someone to you, if that's fine.  I can't say how long it will take for her memory to come back, but will advise you to talk to her. Tell her things you did together, anything that would trigger the memory, but for now stay clear of talking about the kidnapping. We don't want to overwhelm her at this stage."

He left after that and the sibling looks at each other. Erik turns to me, "have you spoken to Darla after she woke up," he ask, so I nod my head at him. "She...she doesn't remember me," I said with a sob in my voice.

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