Chapter 6

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"Listen Angela, wait for me inside the school gates after school" I said to my sister as I walked with her to her school that was luckily right next to mine. "Ok Darla," she said to me as we got to her school's gate. I wave goodbye to her and walked towards my school with my head low. I felt so dead inside, how am I gonna get through this day. Exams is around the corner and I don't think I'll be able to focus. I've always had good grades so far , because every time I speak to my eldest sister Sara she drills it in my head that I should always keep my grades up, no matter what, but how am I suppose to focus if my mind is playing the same images over and over again.

Sara stays with a friend she met at work, Joy and Bianca is staying with friends of theirs and the reason for them to move out is because of the drinking at home and because Jay was always starting fights with them. ' Oh fuck, how am I gonna face them when I see them on Friday. ' We meet every Friday just to catch up and have some sister bonding. I can't tell them what happened, I'm to scared. What will they do, will they look at me differently. I'm not ready to talk to anyone about this.

I walked into class and went straight for the back of the class. I've never been outspoken in class, always listened to teachers and never got into trouble. I laid my head on my arms and closed my eyes. " You sitting in my seat" I hear a guy saying, but just ignored it. "I said you sitting in my seat" he said again and the next moment he puts his hand on my shoulder and I just lost it when I felt his hand on me. I jumped up and pushed him away screaming " take your filthy fucking hands off me your idiot." I hear gasps and look around as everyone was looking at me with shock.

"Morning class, come on everyone, take your seats," I hear the teacher saying. The guy that I pushed gave me one last look and took another seat, 'thank God.' I laid my head back on my arms and blocked out everything around me till I hear the bell go. I got up slowly and took my bag off the chair when I hear the teacher call my name. I looked at Mr Wilken and he asked me if I could stay behind to talk about the up- coming exam. Some of the kids was still glancing my way as they were leaving the classroom. 'Idiots, have they never seen someone loose there temper.'

I walk to the front of the class as the last students left. "Sir, you wanted to speak to me." " Yes Darla, is there something on your mind, because you have always been a top student, I know you from 7th grade and I've never seen you act like today to ignore my lesson. "I'm fine, sir, there's nothing on my mind. "Ok then, have you started studying for the exams" I just nod, " may I go now,sir." He nods so I left. The rest of the school day went without any incidents. At the end of the day I went to Angela's school and as we slowly walked, I looked at her and ask if she wants to go for ice cream as I still have some of the money left that I took this morning. She immediately nods her head and gave me a big smile. We went into the ice cream shop and I order for us and we sat down at one of the tables. There was only a few other people in the shop so I told Angela to start doing some of her homework while we there. After about an hour I helped her pack away her books then we slowly start walking again. I didn't wanna go home yet, so we went to the local library for about two hours.

I know we can't walk around all day and the sun is already going down, so we started walking home. "Angela, I left our bedroom window open this morning, so when we get home we hide outside until its dark, then we can sneak through the window." She didn't ask questions, just nods at me. As we came down our street my heart nearly stopped. There's about four police cars and a ambulance in front of our house. 'Oh God, they have found out what happened and they here to take us away and separate me from Angela' was the first thing that went through my mind. That's when I see two cops pulling Jay out the door and put him in the back of a police car. I grabbed Angela's hand to hide behind a big tree as I see other cops come out and went to their cars and they all start leaving except for the ambulance and one cop car. After a few minutes I told Angela to hide at the back of the house and I went to the front to see what's going on.

I went in by the front door and a cop stopped me and asked who I was, so I said that I stay here and that its my mom's house. He told me the neighbours phoned and complained about the noise so when they investigated they found my mom beaten up by Jay. He said that the ambulance is taking her to hospital and is there anyone we can stay with, so I said I will call my sister to come stay with us.

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