Chapter 23

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I've been walking on my own now for a couple hours. I can now support my own self. My leg doesn't hurt as much, but maybe it's because I had to suck it up and be a big girl and start walking on it.

It's crazy that we've only been walking for three hours. It feels like twenty to me. I still have to no clue as to where we are going, or where we will be spending the night. These boys are counting on me to keep them safe and get them to the camp, but I'm also counting on myself also.

We are now walking through a neighborhood. It's like one of those neighborhoods you would see in a true American movie. The cute two story house, the white picket fence, the perfect green lawn and the children's toys lying out in front yard. This felt like a movie set up. None of this looked real.

"This feels fake," Liam said. Liam read my mind.

"Does anyone even really live here?" Louis asked.

"It's beautiful," I whispered, and looked at the cheery blossom trees that lined up in the beginning of the drive way. Every house had them. The wind blew, and the petals would fall freely. Swaying towards us.

This looks like a perfect neighborhood you'd want to raise your family in. But nothing is perfect anymore. The whole world is a disaster.

I heard foot steps taking off and came back to reality. Niall was jogging to god knows where.

"Niall!" I whisper shouted and tried to run after him. What the hell is wrong with him? There's nothing wrong with running, but when you sound like Godzilla running down a street, that will attract zombies. Thank god I have no sound shoes on.

"Niall!" I repeated and he came to a stop at a tree. I heard the other boys behind me panting.

"What the fuck mate!" Harry said out of breath. I turned to him and pushed him hard on the shoulder.

"Keep your voice down." I said through gritted teeth and shook my head. These boys must really want to attract zombies today.

"It's an apple tree." Niall touched the leaves of the tree gently. He dropped his gun and took off his back pack. He picked off a bright red apple and held it on the tip of his fingers.

"This is a sweet, ripe apple," He looked at the apple in awe and went to go take a bite.

"Wait," I yanked his arm away from his mouth. "I wouldn't eat that with out washing it first." I took off my bag and dug out a water bottle from my bag.

"It's just an apple Stella. It's fine," Niall rolled his eyes and went to go take a bite of the apple again.

"No, it's not." I took the apple away from him and he gasped.

"Give it back." He went to reach for it, but I hid it behind my back.

"Niall, listen to Stella. She knows what she's doing," Zayn defended me.

"This," I held the apple by the stem. "Is not sanitary. It has pesticides on it. It's been out side where the virus has been spreading. We don't know where this virus came from. It could have came from the air, the plants, food." I held the apple up to his face. " I'm not saying don't eat it, just wash it." I gave him the water and apple.

He didn't look at me directly in my eyes. Instead, he looked at the ground and said okay.

"It wouldn't be a bad idea to take some with us." Harry went towards the tree and picked some. "And yes, I will wash them before putting them in the bag," he turned around and joked.

I held my thumb up and the boys did the same. The boys washed the apples good, and put them in the bag. Niall kept out an apple and began to eat it.

He took a bite of the apple, and we all heard the ripeness of it.

"Mmm," he closed his eyes and had the biggest grin on his mouth.

"Now that you have your apple, let's go," I cocked my head and we began to walk.

We were finally out of the neighborhood and surrounding us was vacant land. Nothing but grass. I'm not sure if walking here at night is a good idea. I don't know how many miles until we'll see a building again. I looked at my watch and we were going the right way. The sun was almost about to set. We don't have that much time left.

"Maybe we should stay in one of those houses." Louis bought up the idea but we were already to far gone. It would take us at least half and hour to go back.

"We'll stay in the woods," I told them. I walked a little faster to hurry up and get into the woods.

"Are you out of your damn mind." Liam scoffed and jogged by my side. "The woods? Really Stella? Are you purposely trying to get us killed?" I can see him looking at me through my peripheral vision, but I only looked straight ahead.

"We'll be fine. All we have to do is follow the road which will lead to the woods."

"You got to be fucking kidding me." He threw his hands up and stopped.

I can see something in the distance. There's fog surrounding it but it looks like a sign.

"Come on," I hurried them and we all ran to it. We were greeted by a sign and a round about circle.

"Dead end." Niall read out loud. Behind the sign was the woods. The weird thing is, is that the woods was covered in fog.

The boys stood beside me and we looked at the woods. The fog was too thick to see if there was anything in there. I don't know what lurks in these woods and I don't know what's going to happen. Will we make it out alive?

"Ready?" I gulped and grabbed whose ever hand was next to mine. I looked over and my eyes met with Zayn.

"Ready." He repeated in a whisper and I pointed my bow and arrow out in front of me incase I need to shoot.

"Keep close and keep aimed," I whispered. And looked back at them. I was in the front, Zayn was on my left diagonal. Niall was on my right diagonal. Harry and Louis were behind them, and Liam was in the back.

I feel like I'm leaving a perfect world behind me, and entering a dark and dangerous one. I scanned the area, but couldn't see anything. This fog is too thick. My mission is to try and find a place to sleep and get out of these deadly woods alive.

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait! If this is short I'm sorry! The next chapter will be longer, I promise. Stuff will be revealed in the next chapter so just wait!

This is just the beginning of whats to come.

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