𝕀 𝕎𝚊𝚜 𝕋𝚑𝚎 𝕆𝚗𝚎 𝕀𝚗...

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The Cullen's Called Bella's parent and gave them some fake story . Which I personally would not believe but I guess . I left with the other Cullen's except Edward to their house. They showed me my room that Alice said she would later decorate . I laid  on the bed which I requested . Even though I couldn't sleep I was able to close my eyes and think . I heard Edward return an hour later . He seemed upset I walked to Alice door to ask her about the vision . She was out of the room before I could knock .
" yes Demi I will tell you about the vision let's go to the porch "
I nodded and followed her
" Alice can you tell me "
" It was you and your soulmates, you were running hand in hand. "
" you mean I have more than one "
"Yes "
"Who are they "
"No you must find out, but there is something you have to know"
" Alice tell me "
"One of your soulmates will have a kid of another "
"Why  "
"Your soulmate will ask you to let them have this child. You must not stop this from happening please understand that "
" I do but do they know this as well "
" Yes ,Carlisle has talked to the person"
" ok this is a lot to take in Alice are the others listening "
" no, I asked them to give us privacy "
"Thank you "
"No problem Demi"
I nodded and walked to my room I closed the door. I heard someone about to knock when Alice interrupted
"Don't she has a lot to take in "
The person didn't say anything and left. This was a lot .......I have two soulmates which I have to love equally . One of my soulmates has to have a child of another. I have to let him for a good reason I suppose. I knew one of them, it can't be Laurent we already tried but didn't work. The Cullen's all have mates except ............ Edward. No, but he doesn't like me that way. All my life I have been a nobody, not pretty, annoying, and anorexia. I am a nobody . Just then someone opened no threw the door opened. Edward
"Can you stop I can hear you thoughts"
" what no you can't "
"yes, I can"
" Oh shoot "
I quickly put my mental block on. He calmed down a little.
" can you please not do that again"
" do what "
"Think of yourself poorly "
" oh "
I felt this feeling of anxiety so I jumped out my window and walked toward the woods. I ran until I felt better and sat down. It looked peaceful. I decided to stay there until the sun was up. I ran back to the Cullen mansion. Alice came out
"Where were you "
"In the forest why "
"Everyone went looking for you "
"Sorry I didn't think you would miss me that much "
"Are you crazy your part of the family"
"Sorry "
"Jasper and I will go find the rest "
I went upstairs to my room to take a shower. Once I was done I dressed. I heard the door open, I knew they would be upset and I felt bad. Carlisle stepped inside my room
"Demi you can't run off like that "
" I am sorry Mr. Cullen I didn't feel well and wanted to clear my mind "
"It alright just don't do it again and don't call me Mr.Cullen just call me Carlisle please"
" yes Carlisle "
He walked out then Edward came in the looks furious.
"Do you know how worried I have been "
"No, but I can see that you're mad "
"We were scared that you left us "
"And why would you care "
He thought for a long minute
"If I tell you this you can't leave again"
I nodded
"I was the one in Alice's vision the one with you"
I stood there shocked. No, it can't be him, I thought he would end up with Bella. He stood there staring at me . There is nothing I can do I was his soulmate and I his

A Edward Cullen/ Twilight love story Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ