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I called Jacob and he was on his way when he got here . He looked pale and like he hadn't slept .  I led him inside we walked outside
"Whoever was here left their stench we will catch if it passes our territory we can handle it from here"
"Your not going to handle anything "
He grabbed my wrist but so did Jacob . I pulled my wrist from both of them
"Stop it this is why I left because I am in the middle and can't split myself so please get along you are both my mates get over it "
"Fine " they both huffed .
I nodded
"I am leaving again somewhere farther maybe they can't track me down and thank you for your concern "
"No your not "Edward
"For once I agree with the bloodsucker Seth is in the hospital none of has eaten or slept since you left his body isn't handling it right "Jacob
"Ok can I go see him "
" before I forget Emily was in a car crash and didnt make it so Sam is worse he hasn't left the house In days we need you to talk to him . "
"Ok let's go "
I kissed Edward
"I love you see you later Edward "
Jacob growled I got on his bike and we were infront of a hospital that was close to la push but not the one Carlisle works at . He led me to a room . Seth looked like crap sorry but it was the truth . He opened his eyes slightly and weakly smiled .
"Jacob can I be alone with him "
"Yeah I will be back "
I walked over to Seth and kissed him softly but sweetly . He kissed back I pulled back so he could breath and rested my forehead against his .
"I love you Seth "
"I love you too Demi"
I kissed him again until jake came back  . I motioned so he could scoot over he did . I put his head on my chest and stroked him hair . It was soft . Jacob was in a chair eating two muffin and a coffee . Seth fell asleep ,
"Jake can I go see Sam "
"Yeah let's go "
We drove to the pack house . I went up to sams room it was locked so I broke the knob . I saw him in a corner with his face in his lap . I went over and picked him up . He had his head down . I lifted it up
"Sam your not the only one who will miss her but you will not let her spirit live if you stop it with your grief , look at me in the eyes "
He did and next thing you know he imprinted and was on his knees . I kneeled with him and put up his chin .
"You will survive I will make sure of that "
I kissed his head and headed out the door when he spinned  me and kissed me on the lips .
"I knew there was a connection now it makes sense why she died it was so I can be with you but I do t like the way she left "
"I know but we have to let her spirit rest and be free "
He nodded
"I have to go I will see you soon "
I ran to the Cullen house to be greeted with hugs .
"I love you to guys ..... wow that felt good to take that of my chest now where Edward "
"Upstairs "Esme
I left and found him In our bedroom and kissed him without thinking . I kissed him and it felt amazing I missed his touch and his lips . We had a make out session for four hours and stopped .
"I really do love you Edward Anthony Mason Cullen "
"I really do love you Demi "
We talked for hours . Then it was Saturday
"Edward I have to visit Seth and make sure Sams alive I will be back Monday or Tuesday I love you and do t forget that "
"I won't just be safe "
"Will do "
I left for the pack house to leave my stuff . The boys were trying to work a stove . I sighed they heard me and turned to hug me
"I love you too you idiots now who wants breakfast "
I made sausages, bacon, eggs , pancakes, toast, and cookies . It was fun when I was done I saved two plates for Sam . The literally inhaled the food like if there mouth were vacuums . I went upstairs with the food . I opened sams door and set it down . He was still asleep , I later down next to him . He wrapped his arm around me . He didn't smell anymore , that new . I kissed his head .
"Time to eat sam "
he got up and ate the two plates . He looked better . But emotionally I knew he was not
"Kay Sam now I have to go see Seth "
He nodded and I took his plates .
"Since Emily is not here you are all taking turns cleaning plates , Paul your older so you first "
"Fine only becuase I love you "
"Me too now go and I am going to visit Seth bye "
I got to seth some cookies I made and chamomile tea . I got to his room he was eating some disgusting hospital food .
"Here Sethy eat this "
I gave him the cookies and the tea
"Thanks Demi I love you "
"I love you to Seth "
I walked over and kissed him it lasted for along time but I remembered he had to breathe and I pulled away . He frowned but was panting .
"You had to breathe Seth "
"I could have survived "
"Sure "
I leaned in again but this time he scooted over and I laid down with him . He put his hand on my butt since I was on my side . He kissing me with passion something Seth never did . But I gladly returned it , next thing you know Leah is clearing her throat . Seth was blushing I laughed . So did Leah
"Hey L"
"Hey dems "
"So what's up "
"I came to check on my brother but I see he is just fine by the grip he had on your ass "
Seth was red as a tomato I laughed
"Never knew you had the courage to do that nice to know Seth "
"Ya bro now she know that she can fuck you "
"Leah " Seth said
"Leah why are you surprisingly ok with this "
"I don't know it's just that I like you "
"Thank you , now leave we were in the middle of something "
"Sure thing and let me close the door "
She walked out and sure enough closed the door .
"You okay Seth "
"Yeah "
"Ok now let's get you some sleep do you know when you will be out of here "
"Tomorrow "
"Kay "
I laid with him , I kissed his cheek and he kissed me on the lips . Again he was getting touchy until he went under my shirt .
"No seth not here and not today "
"Okay "
"Now go to sleep "
He laid  his head on my chest and fell asleep . I decided I would go talk to billy since he would know what to do in my position . I moved Seth a bit and kissed his head and left to the black residence . I got there and knocked .
"Hey Mr. black mind if we talk "
"None at all Mrs.soon to be black and other last names "
I chuckled
"Mr . Black I want to get married and have kids
But as you know I have more than one mate how does that work "
"We have a different ceremony since you have a pack of wolves as your mates . You shall marry Edward as a public marriage and a regular ceremony. Then marry the pack except Leah of course  here at la push in a private ceremony. "
"Thank you Mr.black I appreciate this becuase if not I wouldn't know what to do "
"It's billy to you and you welcome "
I left the house and headed back to the pack house I really wanted to see Edward. I got there and went to sams room . He was throwing out Emily's stuff .
"Sam are you ok "
"No "
"What wrong bubba "
"Emily she "
"She what "
"She cheated on me "
"With who bubba "
"The African American vampire "
"How do you know she cheated on you with Laurent "
"This "
He held up her phone it didn't say anything about Emily . I think he's just too tired and hallucinating. "Bubba I think you need to rest "
He nodded I grabbed his hand and walked him to the guest room . I was going to wait until he fell asleep to leave with Edward . He laid down and fell asleep almost immediately. I left to the Cullen house . I went straight to Edward and my room . He was in there staring at the ceiling . I got on top of him and kissed him .
"I missed you "
"So did I demi "
"Where are the others I don't smell them"
"There hunting "
"Kay then we can keep making out then "
I pressed my lips against his . In no time it got heated until he pulled away . I laid my head on his chest . He wanted to wait until marriage like me .
"Demi we need to talk"
"Go ahead "
"Bella she asked me a favor becuase Alice told her a vision she had "
"Ok what is it "
"She wants a kid and for me to turn her and she said that all she wants and she will leave me alone "
"She want the kid to be yours "
"Yes , but I also had a question "
"Wait , Alice vision said you would have a kid of another in order for us to be happy "
"Yes "
"And the person is bella "
"Yes "
I knew Edward didn't have any feelings for her so what was I going to lose . She just didn't want to be alone .
"Ok give her a kid "
"What "
"I said ok I mean you do t like her that way , so what am I going to lose "
"Ok but I have an important question"
"Ok what is it "
He got on one knee and I was sister shook at the words that came out his gorgeous mouth
"Will you marry me "
"Yes omg YES "
I jumped and kissed him he put on the most gorgeous most beautiful ring I have seen in my life . It was oval shape with a lot of small diamonds on it .
"It's beautiful "
"It was my mothers "
"Your father had good taste "
"He did "
" I love you Edward "
"And I You Demi  "
"Wait how am I going to tell the pack"
"There's something else demi "
"Yes , tomorrow there will be a battle"
"While you were out alive had a vision about them coming here to kill you "
"Yes and you have to stay with Seth and me since he is still not well "
"What about bella is she going to be alright "
"She's going to get in a fake accident and die so she can have a kid and become one of us "
"Okay "
"I love you and this is for your safety "
"Why can't I fight "
"Becuase their new borns "
"But e-"
"No buts "
"Except mine of course "
He smirked
"Ok how am I telling the pack "
"That I am engaged "
"Just tell them "
"Ok I'll be back "
I left I walked inside , they all looked worried .
"Ok guys sit down please "
They sat down
"Edward proposed "
I lifted my hand to show them the ring . They growled but Sam spoke up .
"We wanted to do it first considering your having two weddings we all agreed on the ring"
I looked at them confused, sam took out a black velvet box

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