You may reject your mates.

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I was awoken by Alice and Rosalie.

"It's time ! "
I knew she was excited for the pack wedding. Sue had agreed to them helping me get ready. I told Edward to go on vacation with Ren. Bella would be present for this one as Jake is close to her. I didn't mind it at all and was quite happy that my family would come. Sue walked into my home. She had all types of flowers to decorate my hair with. She let Alice make a waterfall twist around my hair. She let two strands of hair loose on the front of my face. She decorated my hair with the small flowers sue brought. Rosalie applied my makeup and Sue added a few tribal symbols of my face, arms, and legs. I didn't know what they said but she said they were all for good luck. I didn't care at all as long as I was married to the pack. When they were done they helped me I got the dress Sue had made. It was really beautiful
"We want you to wear the Takuna dress later on in the evening. It was meant to show off. "
She showed me sandals the moms made for me to go along with the Takuna dress.
I smiled widely at her and hugged her.
"Thank you so much "
She nodded
"I had these made for you" Rosalie
It was beautiful earring
"I also got something done "
She handed me brackets that went with the dress. I hugged them both tightly
"Okay come one let's go !"
They pushed me outside and into a car. It didn't take long to arrive at the reservation. We were in front of the pack house. It was beautifully decorated with flowers everywhere. Yet not too cluttered with flowers.

"I hope you like it !" Alice
"It's beautiful "

I decided Carlisle and Billy should walk me down the aisle. Billy said he would but because of his wheelchair he couldn't. So Carlisle was going to be the one to walk me down again.

"Are you nervous ?" Carlisle
"Yeah can you notice "
"Just a bit"
He lifted his hand showing me " a bit "
"I won't let you fall "
"Thank you "
He kissed my forehead
Alice signaled us to walk forward. Like at Edward and I's wedding I held Carlisle arm tight. He handed me over to sam doing a polite nod. I didn't expect Carlisle to shake all of their hands that would take so long. I just wanted to get married already ! Billy, sue, and Quills dad. We didn't talk much and he made it seem like he didn't like me. I knew he was hesitant about the fact I was a "Cold One ".
"As you may all know we have a different way of uniting mates. They must bite into your neck to symbolize your union. If you feel uncomfortable you may reject your mates. " Billy
I didn't know this would happen but I didn't want to reject my mates. I looked at them very scared then at my family. Carlisle gave my a reassuring nod. So I looked at the pack nodding.
"I accept. "
"Let have the Alpha last she could be hurt by this. "

They each bit into my neck when they all did I passed out. Luckily having Carlisle there helped me. I was not allowed to bandage it so it was bleeding and throbbing.

"You and your mates are now united as one. "

We left to the small dinner Alice had planned. I changed into the Takuna dress coming back out.

" I can ease the pain but it can't be here " Paul
I nodded and followed him inside the house. He kissed the marks then licked it. Yes. Licked my neck. Surprisingly it didn't hurt anymore instead I felt pleasure. I kissed him
"Thank you "
He smiled kissing my lips
"Lets go before they think something's wrong. "
We ate a traditional Quileute meal that the moms had put together. They also taught me some of their dances. My family also felt comfortable enough to learn too. I was very tired at the end of the night and ended up sleeping in Quils arms.

I didn't revise this because I just wanted to publish it so bad ! I'll go over it tomorrow and hopefully fix the mistakes I made

A Edward Cullen/ Twilight love story Where stories live. Discover now