The battle Part 1

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Edward, Ren, Bella, and I stood in the front. I wasn't intimidated by them or scared for me. I was scared for my family and about the vision I had. I didn't want Carlisle or any of my family dead. Alice had yet to join us. I knew she would come sooner or later so I wasn't that worried.
"If we get through this. I'll follow you anywhere women "
Garret said this to Kate
"Now you tell me " kate
I smiled
They were all scared as the looked at their mate trying to get some sort of comfort and reassurance.
"The red coats are coming, The red costs are coming "
I wanted to laugh but I bit my tongue
( i know I said they already met them in the middle last chapter but I wanted to add more of what they said in the scene plus I think garrets remark was quite funny )

We heard the boots of the volturi and his followers hit the ice. My breath hitched a little as there was more followers than expected. As they came closer I saw Demetrius was staring at me. He gave me a slight smile as to say hi. I returned it secretly scowling on the inside. Aro looked around.
"Aro's looking for Alice. " Edward
I scanned over them looking at Jane briefly. Irina stood next to them looking nervous. She should be after falsely accusing Edward and Bella of turning a child. As she saw her sisters she looked frantic. I heard the wolves howl and I felt my heart drop a little. I didn't want them to get hurt they were human after all. I heard growls coming from them. They wanted to kill vampires that's why they were created. Jake came next to me. We knew the plan and what had to happen. I touched his fur Incase it was the last time. They removed the hoods of their coats. Carlisle walked forward to talk
"Aro, let us discuss things as we used to. The civilized manner. "
"Fair words Carlisle but, little out of place given the battalion you've assembled against us. " Aro
"I can promise you that was never my intent. No laws have been broken. "
"We see the child. Do not treat us as fools. " caius
"She is not an immortal! These witnesses can attest to that or you can look. "
Carlisle raised his voice for the first part for everyone to hear. He then pointed to Ren
"See the flesh of human blood on her cheeks. "
"Artifist ! " Caius
Aro raised his hand
"I will collect every facet of the truth but, from someone more central of the story. Edward as the child clings to your dear newborn friend. I assume you are involved. "
He caresses Rens head then looks at me before going. My hand still in his and I squeezed it. He then walks to over to Aro. Bella then hands me Ren so, she is closer to Jacob. Her arms come around my waist. I put a hand on her head. I watch Edward closely as he walks to aro. I feel bella put a shield on him but I grab her arm. She puts it down. It's not that I didn't want to protect him. But if aro can't see his mind he will assume we are hiding something. Aro takes Edward hand in his. His eyes look slightly up and his head moves up as well. I assume he sees what he needed when he looked back at Edward. He then looks to Ren who is at my waist. I hold her closer to me and Edward removes his hand from Aros.
"I'd like to meet her "
I want to protest but I know I can't. I see Edward reluctantly turn to look at me as a sign to bring her over. Jake growls and I look down at Ren then at Bella. All three of us walk together with Jake behind us. I straighten up a bit and walk confidently. I stop looking back at Emmet. He knew what I was thinking and followed us. We walk over to Aro and I held re close to me. Aro looks at her in a way I didn't like. Then at Bella
"Aww young Bella immortality becomes you. "
He turns to me
"Your beauty has grown since we last met, Demetria. "
He then looks at Re and starts laughing weirdly like always.
"I hear her strange heart. "
She looks up at me And I let go of her small hand. I place a hand at her back with a small smile. She starts walking over to him. Jacob growls loudly. This was all very uncomfortable for us. Irina looks at me and I know she feels bad.
"Hello Aro " Re
Even when facing the most horrible person on the planet she is still nice. If I could I would take her away from him. I didn't want her anywhere near him and I knew all of us didn't either.

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