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She showed me the most magnificent dress. I wanted to cry , it was simple but beautiful with lace.  I couldn't have pictured it better.
"Alice it's beautiful "
"Thanks " she squealed
"What's the house for "
"For you so the guys can come visit whenever they please but you can your own time"
"Thank you Alice "
"No problem and I didn't do it all myself "
I smiled at her
"Lets go so I can thank them "
She grabbed my hand and we left with Edward behind us. I hugged everyone of my family members.
"I love you guys and thanks "
I noticed bella with re she didn't look to happy. I think bella is attached to Edward now and there's no way to change that.  But she'll find a mate hopefully. Edward noticed our tension. I smiled
"I'm going to visit the pack last time I saw them they all looked horrible ,be back soon"
They all nodded and smiled. Bella on the other hand seemed static. I jumped to their territory to the pack house. It was quiet and no one was their. So I went to the black residence
"Hey billy where's the pack "
"Sue's house she's taking care of them since you created this mess "
I nodded my head not in the mood to argue. I speed to sue's house and barged in. She looked happy to see me but surprised at the same Time.
"There upstairs Demi "
"Thanks "
I ran upstairs to see each one of them in a horrible fever and groaning. I went to sam first because he was the alpha
"Bub please forgive me "
He smiled at me for a minute and I took a towel with water and cleaned his face. He seemed to be better and sue came in.
"His fevers gone down just keep hugging him and he' return to regular temperature again "
By regular she meant there regular heat but this was boiling. I laid next to him until I felt him get better and went to the other pack members. Seth and Jacob took the longest. But the final one was Paul. When I laid next to him he kissed me roughly. He got ontop of me and started to move but I stoped him.
"Paul stop Now "
He stopped and he fell back asleep as I felt his temperature become normal.  I went to check on Jake who was still normal and then to the rest. But Seth was still spiking so I fell asleep next to him. The next morning they all looked and seemed better. But they looked pretty mad at me for leaving them in the first place.
"I know where I'm not wanted "
With that I went towards the door. But Seth stopped me
"Seth Move IT "
Fury was in my eyes and I slapped him so hard everyone became quiet.
"Disrespect me one more time watch what happens. Playing ! Really playing. They almost killed my goddaughter. You fucking idiots, then you want me to come quote on quote home. Where is home ?! Well I have one now and that's where I'm headed Seth. You guys want all the attention like Edward doesn't exist. Then you guys want to fuck me. That's not how it works. And to think I came here because I love you and I didn't want you die. For what for you to be angry.  At least I came , I could have moved away without any of you including Edward as planned. I bought a house I have my ticket. When will  you  guys learn that I need air. I need space ! "
With that they didn't speak at all. Seth still on the floor from the slap. I fell down to my knees and cried. The depression is getting to me. All I want to do is to go home and sleep. So I stood up and left. I wanted to leave forks. Even though me and Edwards wedding is in a couple of days. I walked to the Cullen house. Edward was playing with re and bella. They seemed like the perfect family. I went upstairs to our room. I didn't belong here. I don't belong anywhere. I got my suitcase and packed some stuff. Edward came running through the room.
"What are you doing "
I ignored him, he went to my suitcase and started putting things back. But I put them in the suitcase and zipped it up. He grabbed my arm
"Demi are wedding is in a few days "
"Give bella the dress and here's the ring again. She deserves it better than me. Then again I'm not the mother of your child. You guys make the perfect family. The most amazing one at that. When re grows up tell her I love her and to look for me. Give her this please. Tell her the pack will tell her about her godmother. And give this to the pack when I leave. This is for you "
I gave him a last kiss
"Your too smart for a letter goodbye my Edward"
With that I left with out another word. I left for Alaska where I had a cabin and a lot of animals near by. Some vampire neighbor not that far from here the Denali family. They've asked about my past but I don't tell them. I visit the pack from time to time so they won't die. They always beg me to stay. Seth has grown a bit since last time. He's handsome as ever. They don't grow fast or don't age at all as long as they keep shifting. I haven't seen Edward since I've left. I miss him greatly, a lot In fact. They've tried telling the pack to convince me to see Edward. They've been close but I haven't. I wonder every day if he did end up marrying bella. It kills me to think that but I try to cope.

A Edward Cullen/ Twilight love story Where stories live. Discover now