First time with edward

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The next day Jacob went out to teach some new wolves. They were very young and turned due to the fact that there were many vampires in the area. At first I didn't go near them Incase they imprinted. But Sam said there to young and can't. So I take them lunch , but today we heard Jacob growling furiously. We went out and found two very old vampires. Nobody seemed happy with there presence but we welcomed them to our home. Calise spoke first
"Vladimir, Stefan, you're a long way from home. "
"What are they doing here? " Kate asked
"We heard the Volturi were moving against you. But that you would not stand alone. " Vladimir
"We didn't do what we were accused of. " Carlisle
"We do not care what you did, Carlisle. " Vladimir
"We have been waiting a millennium for the ltalian scum to be challenged. " Stefan
"It's not our plan to fight the Volturi." Carlisle
"Shame. Aro's witnesses will be so disappointed. " Vladimir
"They enjoy a good fight. "Stefan
"Aro's witnesses? " Eleazar
"Aww. Still hoping they'll listen? " Vladimir
"When Aro wants someone from a coven it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime. " Eleazar "So he's done this before? " I asked
"It happens so rarely, I never realized it was a pattern. " Eleazar
"Apparently he always pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repentant." Carlisle
"This person always has an ability. And they're always given a place with the Guard. " Eleazar "This is all about Alice and Demi . He has no one like them. "Edward
"Which is why she left. " Bella
"Why does he need witnesses? " emmet
"To spread the word that justice has been served. After he slaughters an entire coven. "Alistar
"Benjamin, Tia, we're leaving. "Amun
"And where will you go? What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice and Demi ? What's to stop them from going after Benjamin next? Or Zafrina or Kate or anyone else with a gift? Anyone they want. Their goal isn't punishment, it's power. It's acquisition. Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but I will. For the sake of my family. But also for yours. And for the way you want to live." Edward
There's a moment of silence as everyone look at each other, then Jacob stands
"The packs will fight. We've never been afraid of vampires. "
The Delani's stand
"We will fight. " tanya
"This won't be the first time I fought a king's rule. " Garret
"We'll join you." Benji who I became friends with said with pride
"No. " Amun
"will do the right thing, Amun. You may do as you please. " Benji
"We will stand with you. " Senna
"So will we." Siobhan
The others start to step forward
"That didn't take much. " Vladimir
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that. " Edward
"We'll see." alistar
Everyone showed courage. Though we knew that Aro's army was moving against us. Soon we would face the dark gifts of Jane and Alec. But unfortunately for them I possessed those powers aswell. Bella and I practiced on her abilities. She learned fast which I liked. But the end of the day we were friends.
"Maybe you should go put her to bed. You can put her in her room in my house "
Bella nodded and collected re. I went to Edward
"I love you so much " I kissed his lips as he smiled.
"We should get you to bed "
I smiled and nodded. Re was talking to bella and I could hear. Re was worried for Alice and jasper. Bella reassured her it was to keep us safe. She wished her goodnight and left the room. I kissed Edward lips
"I need to tell bella something privately. Can you get the water running "
He nodded and I grabbed Bella. I took her outside We're I knew no one could hear us. I could've put up a. Silencing shield around us but I forgot and regretted coming out here
"Alice got re and Jacob passports. If anything goes wrong he'll leave with her. I've already made a backpack for her. Money , clothes and notes. "
"Does it have to happen this way "
"Yes Bella "
"Do you know what she saw"
"What do you mean "
"She saw something the day before she left. The day she dropped the vase. "
"No I didn't I blocked the visions I wish I hadn't  "
She shook her head
"It's fine just curious "
I nodded
"I'm gonna go back to the Cullen house. See you tomorrow "
I nodded and left to my home. I don't like saying my But Edward addressed it as my house. So I deal with it ,He stood in the living room
"How about our own honeymoon here "
I chuckled and nodded
"Do you think the pack will be mad "
"You married me first "
Smut ahead, if not comfortable with explicit content that includes sexual display/interactions and skin-ship, skip this chapter. Credit to @animeislife0123 she is a close friend and she wrote the following smut.

My head shutters, lips wet. I could feel his weight shifting towards mine, body heat fluttering as soon as our lips meet one another's. I can't hear the sounds of water, my mind too fumbled and aroused to even process the display. We practically crash into the room, every step feeling heavier from the last until we reach the comforter. Silence shielder: active.

I feel the warmth spread to my neck, the skin burning as his teeth graze my nerves, all well I can see his shit eating-grin gazing down upon me. The light in his eyes fade once he reaches my waist. And I feel it—his large hand unbuckling my jeans easily. My mind races again, and I can hear the demands of my body overwhelming my every instinct. I slide off my shirt, having no use for it anymore. My silky bra quickly unfastening and I feel my jeans get past my ankles. Edwards moves up once again, this time sending pain down my spine as he takes a hit for my neck, soon enough, pleasure takes it toll and I find myself searching for friction. My underwear are ripped away, goosebumps filling my pale pours. I hadn't even notice his own clothes were off, all expect his underwear. Edward positions himself to my entrance wearily, dry-humping my vagina—sending me into a fit of sensibility. His head lowers, and suddenly I know where this is going. Edward licks his lips, not once, but twice. Sets my legs a-top his shoulders and begins to dive into his new project.
It feels better than I imagined, his tongue fucking me. His lips curving and taking in my small clit, sucking to it's worth. My head flies back, and my vision goes white. A finger strikes my entrance and I scream, busting my hips and giving into the ecstasy. "Fuck me," I can hardly breathe out, "Just fuck me already." And with a finish of pop, the other pushes his penis away from the cloth and pumps himself. He's hard, and sweat is spilling from his thighs, he makes his mark and slides in. He lets me adjust, but then abruptly entices me. It hurts, but I don't care. His lips come fleeting again, forcing me to breathe from my nostrils like day to the dust. He's moving faster and his speed has me into wonders, with each thrust comes an audible grunt. My cunt aches, and Edward simply strikes his teeth into my shoulder. The creaking of the bed ripples through the room, the bed-sheets now swarmed somewhere on the floor. The smell of sweat filling my senses. I can hardly speak, too pre-occupied with keeping my saliva in my mouth. I look back into his eyes, we lock gazes and I feel the final pang. My peak has finally taken my every sensibility as his cum fills my insides. He pulls out with a series of gasps, both of us unevenly inhaling as we lay  there significantly. "Y'know, I love you?" I manage with a gummy-grin. "Yeah, I love you too."

- you May read now my innocent children a-
He kissed my forehead and I fell asleep. When I woke up Edward was in the shower.  The door was open so I walked in. I looked in the mirror and I looked a mess. My hair was all over the place. I had love bites and actual bites all over my chest and stomach. I traced over them with a smile. Edward walked out as I healed each of them. He kissed my lips
"Sorry "
"It's fine I can heal them. But I'm keeping this one "
I pointed to bite in my shoulder. He smiled and kissed it. He shook his head
"But you shouldn't "
"But I will Mr Cullen "
"What ever you say Mrs Cullen "
I smiled and walked into the shower. After I was done I changed into some comfortable clothes.

A Edward Cullen/ Twilight love story Where stories live. Discover now