One day

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Me and Edward went to bed but I felt something was of. There was no way of me leaving and Edward not noticing. So I decided to take a bath. As he started the water I let my self ease up. Looking inside for something. It was Alice she was yelling at me in a way. I focused on her voice and slowly heard her plea.
"Demi, you must be very wise with your actions. There's something you must know. In my vision the volturi  will try and kidnap you before the battle. You must hide and return when it's time.
"Demi !"
Edward shook me a bit. I looked into his eyes.
"I have to go "
"No, you can't leave again "
I looked in his eyes which were full of pain.
"I know I've hurt you and put you in positions unimaginable. But I promise you I will return I will I just. I can't stay here for much longer. It will only be a day. Please "
He nodded I got out and changed. I went to the closet and took clothes for two days. I walked out and getting in my car and drove to the pack house. The pack ran out when they saw me with luggage.
"I must leave but I will come back. I promise"
They all nodded giving me pecks.
I left somewhere I knew they couldn't find me. I knew they couldn't I settled for the night. I got a disposable phone and called Edward
"Hello "
"Hey "
"Demi are you okay ?"
"Yeah I just wanted you to know that I was fine and that I love you "
"I love you too always "
I hung up and crushed the phone I tried to sleep but seeing as I couldn't I watched out of the window with my tea in hand. I made sure everything was locked and protected. Nobody knew about this spot and I wanted it to stay that way. As the sun began to rise I packed my things and headed out. I got in my car and filled it up with gas. I put my scarf over my face so nobody could recognize me. I drove back to forks as fast as I could. I got there just in time. They were all headed towards the battle field. I catches up with Edward. He turned and smiled at me. Kissing my forehead I picked Rene as we continued our path. We arrive just as the Volturi do as well demitri spots me and smiles. I smile back but scowl on the inside.
*short chapter I will upload more chapters between Friday - Monday

A Edward Cullen/ Twilight love story Where stories live. Discover now