My fault

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Jimin hold his cheek.

He stare the ground. Tears slowly went down as he realise he broke your heart.

His cheek was red because of the hard slapped.

"What have I done?"

"I'm always said that I don't mean. I don't mean to hurt you. I'm sick of saying that. And I know she's more sick to hear that. But, I am really. I'm seriously don't ever mean to hurt her. I love her." He confessed in front of his friends.

"Useless!" Jungkook yelled in front of Jimin's face.

"You seriously hurt her. I think I will trust you to take care of her."

"You know what? I'm the one who supposed to marry her! Not you!" He added.

"You're fu**ing useless."

Good bye angel Jungkook and Hi dark side Jungkook.

Jungkook let out what he feel.

His secret, everybody has know.

His cursed out from his mouth.

But why so sudden. He don't even know what has happened.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Jimin louder his voice.

"You. Are. Useless!"

"You can't give her happiness."

"I'm the one who should be her husband. Not you!"

Jungkook started a fight.

Bad things happened to Jimin today.


We are walking by the beachside with our barefeet stepped on the soft sand.

Everything was going great as it was so beautiful.

There was an ice cream stall under a tree opposite the sea.

She decided to get two for both of us.

"Get me strawberry~." Jimin said in flirty way.

"Don't flirt on me you ugly." You said while pushing his head softly.

"I'll wait here." He said.

"Okay, but don't flirt with other girl or I'll kill you." You warned him.

"I'm ugly don't you forget already what you have said just now." He raise his brow.

You rolled your eyes and go.

Few stepped away, he shouted.

"Honey, request for some mochies."

"Alright." You winked.

Another few stepped away from there you've reached the ice cream stall. After you give an order, you heard something that scare you very much.

"Hey, handsome!" You heard a girl's voice.

"Oh My God! You're Damn Hot as Fuck." Another girl's voice heard.

"Uhh...please! I'm MARRIED now,Yoona." Then, Jimin's heard. He sounded like annoyed.

"Uhh..boy! We don't met for a damn long time. Let's have some fun." Taeyeon's aka another girl just now speak up.

"You said you're married but still looked like virgin." She looked at him up and down.

"Yeah!" Yoona supported her friends.

While Jimin is struggled with those Shit Girls a live drama scene begin.

You walked up to them, your heart broke into a very small pieces.

As small as microorganime.
As small as bacteria.
As small as.... Don't even know as small as what.


A hard slap hit Yoona's cheek.

She, who is hugging Jimin's arm let it go emmidiately.

"How dare such an ugly women  slapped me?" Yoona speak up while pointing on your nose.


Another hard slap landed on her red cheek because of the first slap.

"Why on earth, you have to disturb my life?" His voice higher than normal.

You just run away from that drama scene and headed to Jungkook.

Jimin just trying to explain everything but he feeling blur and useless in the same time.


My Innocent Husband [P.J.M.]Where stories live. Discover now