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"i'm pregnant!!!" you jumped off from the seat.

Their eyes turned extremely wide as you can see their whole heart.

Must be so much happy...

"ommo!!! a jinjja? ppalli uliege jinsil-eul malhae!!! (oh my! Oh really?! Tell us the truth quickly!!!) " she jumped of her heels.

"Yes!!" park jimin's small eyes become wider than it supposed to be.

"ahhhhhh!!!!" your both mum and dad clapping. (for jimin achievement of making babies lately.) (LOL)

"i'm so much excited to have a grandchild." you dad stated and his statement is undeniable.

"you know what? in this phase you're supposed to be very careful. You should not only be careful of the situation. Even what you eat, your emotions, all of them can effect the baby's growing progress. I've been there and even pregnant of you is very hard, everything I've craved over. " she said while her rolling up and down.

The whole family laughed to your mom last statement.

" I will be more responsible this time, eomma. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time already. I've made the past as a lesson on how to be responsible. "you replied her while  softly petting your *still-flat* tummy.

" i'm thinking of making a dinner night for both of our families to announce this and also with some of our close friends. " Jimin told his opinion as you can see he is smiling so bright.

"sure i would like to. Like making it in the hotel so some of my closed friends and relatives can joined." abeoji agreed.

You excitedly nodded and your mom too.

"We're leaving for home.  Wanna come with us, eomma? It's so hot here. "
Jimin invited his *you're so lovely, I'm so lovely, we're so lovely, lovely lovely lovely* mother in law.

(don't mind me I'm a little extra today, and I bet you could hear him, right? Because i heard him when i was typing it? 🤷🏻‍♀️)

Hour by hour passing you and Jimin are home. Doing nothing.

You and him decided to watch the tv so both of you went from the kitchen to the living room after dinner.

Since Jimin had already called the person who could fix the tv, no more runny channel.

You both enjoyed a comedy show until his phone that placed on the coffee table right in front of you rang.

You glanced on the screen just to see a  contact name with the emoji 💕

How your heart break badly.

The name you knew for a long time already.

He picked up the call and walked towards the door and went out.

You started to overthink on him.

An hour and half later he came back in before hang up the call.

The smile on his face made your heart irritate so hard.

Ara P.O.V

I was watching a comedy show with him. Suddenly his phone rang and I saw the contact name...

❤️Jung Dayeon💕

Even my contact name on his phone was saved as 'wifey'.

What has happened.

My Innocent Husband [P.J.M.]Where stories live. Discover now