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I'm backkk!!! Sorry for not updating while the quarantine.. I've been so busy lately with online classes. So now I'm paying back... -----------------------------------------------------------

"jimin-ah! Irreonnaaa!!!" You shouted after hundreds times of waking him up.

"5 minutes-"

"One more five minutes got out from your mouth and I'm smacking you down! " you cut him up before he could continue his beauty sleep.

"ummmm---" his husky voice moaned.

"what time is now." he asked right after he saw you perfectly dressed up for work.

"it's 8!!!!" you shouted again and this time the whole people that had already started to work at the paddy field could hear you clearly. Even the birds flew away of that sudden thunder.

He rushed to the bathroom while grabbing his towel.

Few minutes and he get out of there and started to grabbed his shirt from the iron board.

"thanks honey..." he winked to the iron board as A sign to you.

You rolled eyes.

"park jimin... When am i going to get over your cuteness." you whispered in your heart.

You went to the kitchen for preparing the breakfast .

You heard steps coming towards.

You turned as a loud ass park jimin arrived.

"Babyyyyyy!!!!!!!" even the tractors on the field could drive itself of his loudness.

"could you shut up for a while! I'm trying to focus."

With full of love, you presented him a whole perfect set of pancake.

"wallaaaaaa!" his loudness making the paddy turned to a well cooked kimchi fried rice.

After the whole session of having breakfast, both of you leave for work.

He drives all the way to the building port.

From afar you could see your dad discussing with some of the workers with a blueprint on his hands.

"abeoji!!!" you get out from the car and walked towards  him as the workers leaves.

"ahhh my sweetheart... Come on, let's sit first." he gestured both of you under a tent.

There, you saw you mom too.

She's wearing a gucci sunglasses and fanning herself. Just like diva.

"now i know where does your diva came from..." park jimin whispered in your ear.

You flipped your hair to him and giggled.

She stand up and hugged you.

"i miss you dear."

"me too."

"well we have something to tell you guys." jimin spoke up once you and him sitted down.

"What is it?" abeoji asked along with his curious faceuuu.


Sorry this time only... Gotta give you guys more... Wait for another chapters... Thanks for reading don't forget to vote!!!

My Innocent Husband [P.J.M.]Where stories live. Discover now