Let it be

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Jimin's P.O.V.

Right after all of they arrived, I explained everything.

They were very worried.

Few hours later she were completely awaked.

She stares everything on her surrounding. She fell odd.

"Where were we?"  She asked after she realized that I was beside her all the time.

"Hospital." I answered even I felt bad to say it.

"Why? What Happened to me?" She questioning just like a machine guns bullet. It could kill me once she shot.

"Urhhh.." I was thinking what to say while rubbing my head while she had already curious about me.

"Jagiya... Listen to me. What has been taken from us will be replace with the  best one. And hopefully you're fine to receive this news." I took a deep breath and breath it out.

She still waiting.

"We lost our baby." I uttered slowly but she's still able to hear.

Her tears fell one by one.

Made me cried too.

It was my pet peeve to see person I love cry.

"Jagiya... Mianhaeyeo..." I apologized while wiping her tears.

"Jimin... I'm sorry. I'm careless and now I killed a live." She hugged me.

"No. Don't say that. Remember what I said what has been taken are replaced with the best one." I calmed her down.

Ara's P.O.V

It has been three days I'm warded here.

I don't know why but I usually cries with no reasons.

I'm stressed out with no reasons.

And sometimes I burst into anger with no reasons.

Am I normal?

Or NO?

Finally. The fourth day. The day I should be discharged.

After discharged we went back home.

Home sweet home.

Well I admit. I miss home.

Two days after I have been discharged from the hospital. I'm still in my MC. And perhaps it is my father's company so i can take a long break. Jimin were home too. All day long he saw I'm crying with no reasons.

"Jagiya, gwaenchana?" He asked.


"It's seem like it getting worse because you were crying all day long. Let's go to therapist."

After the therapy~

Therapist: I got the answer.

Jimin: so what happening?

Therapist: she's depressed. 

Time skipped until you come back home from the therapist.(your cute author doesn't have ideas for the therapist dialogues.)

(Sorry therapist.) (🌚)

"Okay, now tell me what you're stressed about. Maybe, I could help." Jimin speak soft.

"I'm stressed about myself. I'm careless."


This is not the end.

Your next chapter is later.

Later Alligator.

Hater use Roaster.

To roast a rooster.

Okay somebody helped me please I'm not okay.

Bye gotta see my Dr. Kim Taehyung😂 because he gave me the wrong pill.

He spread his virus to me.

Okay bye.

My Innocent Husband [P.J.M.]Where stories live. Discover now