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Days after the event you still not going out from your bedroom.

One night Jimin went out so you got out from the room and find something in the fridge to eat.

You were watching the tv while eating the cereal.

You look at the clock hanging on the wall, it's 2:45 a.m

Jimin's still not home.

Suddenly you heard the sound of his car get in the porch.

The main door slightly opened.

He walked in. He's not balanced. Lipstick stains on his shirt.

He's drunk.

"Park Jimin! Why are you still not regretting your action. You're married Jimin, MARRIED!"


"you sure?" he asked.

He unbuckled his belt and beat you with that.

He unstoppably hit you with his belt. You cry and cry begging him to stop.

He pulled your hair.

"you called me an asshole, bitch."

He suddenly fell off on the floor.

You ran towards your bedroom.


The next day.

Jimin's P.O.V

what happened last night?

I woke up on the floor.

Suddenly I flashed back the moments

I beaten her.

What have i done?!

I rushed to her room, I need to apologise for what I have done.

I was about to open the door even I know it is going to be locked.

Fortunately it's not..

As I opened the door, I fell on my knees, I cried unconsciously.

What have i done?!



I ran toward my room, it's a safe place.

I cried.

No one has ever hurt me physically before, even my dad. How could he.

I can't take it no more. He'd be cheating me, now he beaten me.

I think he didn't love me anymore. No one did.

I'm on the edge.

I'm short thinking.

"I'm so sorry baby." I patted my tummy that has already shows baby bump.

I grabbed my belt from my wardrobe and hang it by the fan.

I exhale my last breath.

I comitted suicide.


Jimin's take you down as he saw you hanging unbreath, your skin was paled.

He cried and hugged your dead body but it was too late.

Your body is full of purple line from what he did last night.

"I'm sorry, Araaaa!!!! I beat you. I cheated you. You're pregnant. I'm sorry. But I know it's too late now!!"

He called your parents and the boys.


After your funeral, the boys accompanied Jimin at home.

He wanted to sleep in your bedroom as he said he misses you so much.

The boys were watching the tv.

Jimin left them with excuses that he wanted to go to bed.

The same belt you used to hang yourself, he grabbed it from under the bed.

He did as you did to hang it by the fan.

"I'm coming to see you, baby."

He uttered before exhale his last breath.

His eyes full of tears to imagine that you did this.

Both of you comitted suicide of the mistake he made.


In the living room.

" I'm hungry, we haven't had our dinner yet." Jin stated.

"Let's go to Mcdonald, I'll wake Jimin up." Taehyung said and left to your bedroom where Jimin is.

As he opened the door. He fell on his knees.

"Hyunggggg!!!!" He yelled along with his teary eyes.

The boys rushed to Taehyung.

How hard they cried to see Jimin's hanging dead on the ceiling.


At Jimin's funeral, his grave beside yours.

Both of the family cries.

how is it so hard for your parents, you're the only child and now they got non.

Jimin, he is so kind to his parents.

Dayeon, never regret of what happened kept on ruining people life.

The boys misses both of you.

They miss the crazy and loud you.

The foolish park jimin.

Now it has come to an end of both lives.

Rest In Peace Kim Ara and Park Jimin.

Thanks for the support guys. Love you all.

My Innocent Husband [P.J.M.]Where stories live. Discover now