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                            (gguks PoV)The sound of the tattoo gun stopped

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  (gguks PoV)
The sound of the tattoo gun stopped.
"There you go. All done"
I said with a smile
"thanks man. This one always told me I should come here. But I'm a stubborn fuck and I couldn't be bothered"
I grin upon hearing the mans witty and rather entertaining reply.
Another man then appears and says
"Well I did keep telling you to come here. I can't believe I had to actually bribe you to leave your damn bedroom"
They both laugh and so do I. It was moments like these which I enjoyed most. Moments where I wasn't trapped in that place with them. I'm honestly glad they at least gave me something after doing absolutely nothing for 15 years.
I remove my gloves and guide the pair to the counter. After they paid for the tattoo, the older of the two asked
"Hey this is sooo random but you seem chill and this bitch has been nagging me to get some friends so would you mind giving me your number so maybe we could talk and hang out sometime?"
I thought for a second. I didn't want to seem rude because these were genuinely nice people however I knew they wouldn't allow me to have friends no matter what I did.
"Urm sure" I blurted out and handed him my phone. What are you doing what are you doing they won't let you. I pushed aside my thoughts and took my phone back with a smile.
"Yoongi by the way. Min Yoongi" I shook his hand. Although he was smaller than me I'm pretty sure he was older.
He then followed with "Oh and the lil idiot next to me is Jimin my boyfriend" to which he received a light punch to the arm.
"Hi I'm Park jimin. Nice to meet you..?"
"Jungkook. Jeon jungguk" I reply.
"Cool! So I guess Ill talk to you sometime soon?"
I nod "Yeah. For sure. Have a nice day" I say as I wave them out of the shop.

It was 8 o'clock. After packing away my things and locking the tattoo shop I walk home dragging everyone of my limbs, forcing myself to get again return to that hell hole.

I bet your wondering 'hey jungkook if it was so bad why the hell are you still there for' and to be honest I don't really know that myself.

That's a lie

I know exactly why

It's because of them pieces of shit. They stole everything for me. From us. I'm not just gonna give up the tiny fragment of what I have left. And besides, if I ever did leave he'd probably kill me. I think ?

I reach the front of the large house coated in ivy and begin fumbling around in my bag for my keys. One found, I unlock the door and proceed my way in. It only took ten seconds before I feel the breath of someone's beating down on my back.
" where the fuck have you been your seven fucking minutes late. "
I stayed silent and received everything. I had learned not to react when he does shit like this. It's not like it isn't the norm and over the years I've learned that the more you cry the more he enjoys it and the more he hurts you.
" playing tough guy now is it? What you think just coz your 22 now you have the right to stand up to me? Huh!? "
He began pushing me against a wall and brought out a knife that he kept in his suit pocket for 'emergencies'
" fucking answer me you son of a bitch. I swear to god if you don't say something I'll fucking gut you. Or maybe I should make your death long and painful just like I did hers hm? "
In a fit of anger I pushed him off of me and ran as fast as I could up the stars. I knew he was going out so he couldn't stay long. Thank god for that. I hear his voice full of anger echoing through the empty house
" BELEIVE me boy she's not here to fucking save you anymore I don't have any reason other than the money not to fucking cut you up right here. Next time you won't be as fucking lucky"
The front door slams shut. All I could think about were the last fifteen years. How he ruined me and what I had left of a family. How he hurt my mother. How he hurt me. I just wanted to fucking leave. Escape all this shit and just fucking disappear because after all is there really any point ? I feel like the only reason I was put in this earth was to be punished and I just don't want to fucking deal with it anymore.

It was in that moment I decided To do probably the worst thing I've ever decided to do in my life.


I jumped out of the window. I don't even know how or why I did it. I cut my arms and my legs and legs in the process but I honestly couldn't care less. My only priority at that moment was to leave without a trace.
The words 'get out' had been bouncing back and forth in my mind for the past 15 years And yet somehow I was unable to listen, until today.

Once I had escaped the clutch of my demons, I find myself running through street after street and alley after alley,
not bothering to look back,
stop for anyone
or bear a single regret.

After running for about 20 minutes I finally regain control over my body after the massive surge of adrenaline that had hit me. I came to a halt, completely out of breath and slightly terrified.
Was this even a good idea?

Whilst trying to piece together what I had actually just done, my eyes wonder to a glistening light in the onyx sky as if it's beckoning for my presence.

It was safe to say that I was an absolute geek for stars. It was one of the few interests given to me by her. I would look up at them through my window whilst I wished that things would get better however they never did. And they probably never would. The light drew me in with a powerful tug as I was drawn to the only thing that provided me comfort in my darkest times. It was her that allowed me to feel safe and maybe, just maybe if I followed the light we could be together again. We could be happy with not a care in the world. Yet somewhere in my mind I knew it wasn't that easy.

Upon arriving at my destination, I failed to notice the singular car sat in a corner, tucked away and out of sight. I missed it because at that time, all I was thinking about was her.

I managed to drag my weak body up the many flights of stairs. Usually because of my attitude and physique this would be a piece of cake, however my Past was bearing down on my shoulders like a ton of bricks.

I got to the top.

I was there.

I could finally be free.

No one else to fear.

Just us together like the old times.

Tears roll down my bruised face as one by one, memories flashed before my eyes. At this point it was just a physiological battle between my head and my heart and in the end it was my heart that won. Of course. It was just to broken to continue. There was no one who loved me. And every person that could have loved me had been taken away from me by them.
All those years of me having to put on an act finally came back.
All those years of having to act like I wasn't completely broken, could now all be over.
I step on to the edge of the roof top and begin counting.

Not a care in the world
Not a single thing that could stop me




"Fuck, what are you doing!?"



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