17: Mission Accomplished.

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Author POV:
It was now morning. The two couples who were sleeping on the couch had now woken up. Namjoon gave Y\N a small peck on the lips and went upstairs lazily to get changed. Y\N went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast. About 20 mins later, Namjoon came downstairs wearing these:

 About 20 mins later, Namjoon came downstairs wearing these:

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(Ignore the bag)

"Good morning wifey" Namjoon said sweetly. "Good morning hubby" Y\N smiled back.
While Namjoon was eating breakfast, Y\N went upstairs and did her morning routine. She then changed into these:

She slightly curled her hair and headed downstairs

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She slightly curled her hair and headed downstairs. She quickly ate her strawberry pancakes and washed the dishes.

Namjoon POV:
Lately I've been really lonely in my office. I fired my secretary after the cruel incident that had happened. I really needed a new secretary but everyone I arrange up for meetings are not qualified. Y\N however, doesn't have a job. Maybe she can be my new secretary. " Hun, what do you think about working?" I asked. " Naah! I'm way too lazy for that" she answered taking a sip of water from her glass. "Not even gonna want to work as my secretary?" She choked on her water. She coughed for a few seconds and caught her breath. She shook her head. "Why not?" I asked sadly making a pout with my lips. I started doing aego(cute faces) to make her agree but it didn't work. She pinched both my cheeks and said no again. She put her hands on my back, pushing me against the door and sending me too work. "Bye Bebe" she laughed and slammed the door on my face. She literally made this situation a mission impossible but my name is Kim Namjoon and I won't stop until my mission is accomplished! I started driving to work.

Oh my I'm so tired. Did Namjoon mean what he just said right now? I'm not ready to work yet. I know I'm 22 but I can't be bothered working, especially when my husband is a rich CEO! But I feel bad for turning him down. I should do something to make him feel better. I know! I'll have dinner with him at his office tonight. I better get started on making food then. I'll call Namjoon to let him know.
Phone call~
Namjoon~hey babe!
Me~ I'll have dinner with you tonight so don't eat before I arrive!
Namjoon~ That's so sweet. I won't eat, I'll wait for my beloved wife.
Me~ Thanks, love you, bye.
Namjoon~ Love you too baby.
Phone call end~

Namjoon POV:
Since Y\N is coming to have dinner, I'll use this chance to make her jealous and agree on being my secretary! Haha! Just wait and watch Y\N, you will definitely say yes! *Hysterical laugh*

I've been working on the dinner for over 2 hours now! Yes it's finally ready!

Y\N POV:I've been working on the dinner for over 2 hours now! Yes it's finally ready!

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Packed it up and put it inside a bag. I then went and told our driver to drop me off to BigHit. I soon arrived but then jealousy hit me straight away. There were a bundle of girls lining up in front of Namjoon's office. One of the girls were proper sticking their face onto his! I felt like ripping her hair off! I rushed in and pushed the women back and said "Sorry Hun, his taken" she gave me a weird look and walked away. I then looked at Namjoon giving him a death and eventually gave in. "Fine! I'll be your secretary!" I yelled. He them mumbled something but I couldn't quite understand what he was saying.

Namjoon's POV:
"YES! mission accomplished!" I mumbled to myself really loud but not loud enough for Y\N to hear. I then got up my seat and hugged her. "Awe were you jealous?" I asked. She shook her head being shy. We then sat down and ate our dinner talking about yesterday's dance battle and our funny pasts when we were younger. After we were done we went home together. I told her to start work from tommorrow and to get good sleep since it is her fist day of work tommorrow. She went and changed into something comfortable:

 She went and changed into something comfortable:

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Following her, I changed into my nightwear too:

I smiled at myself thinking about my stubbornness and making her my secretary

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I smiled at myself thinking about my stubbornness and making her my secretary. It was truly a mission accomplished. I then went to the left side of the bed while Y\N was on the right, I hugged her and fell fast asleep with her in my arms.

End of chapter 17. Keep reading to find out what happens next.

Thanks for reading my story.💜❤💛💚💙

Arranged To Mr.CEO (Kim Namjoon BTS) COMPLETED.Where stories live. Discover now