Hmm What Should I Do?

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Harry's POV

I couldn't sleep after she only cuddled me for like 1 minute. I tried falling asleep but I couldn't. I grabbed my cellphone and started playing Angry Birds under my blankets. "DIE YOU GREEN PIGS, DIE!"

"Harry, what are you doing?" Niall asked lifting up the covers rubbing his eyes.

"I'm playing Angry Birds!" I said putting them back on me.

"Harry, go to bed." Niall said.

"Can't sleep." I said pressing the yellow bird and it ran right into a fat mama pig!

"YEAHHH!" I said.

"Harry shut up!" I hear Liam say.

"Sorry!" I whispered. I snickered a little bit. I wounder if Shelby heard me. I should annoy her till she comes out. I got up and looked in their room, everyone was asleep. I tiptoed to the left bed since Zayn always picks the left, Louis is always too late. I only saw one person in it though...before I could go to the other bed Louis opened his eyes and screamed.

"HARRY!? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" He screamed at me.

"I'm i'm sorry!" I said trying not to smile.

"HARRY GO TO SLEEP YOU LITTLE UGGGH!" Louis said going under the covers.

"What the heck is going on in here?" Shelby asked sitting up.

"Louis is sleep talking." I said fake laughing.

"Really?" She asked getting up.

"Yeah! Lis-" I tried to say.

"I AM NOT SLEEP TALKING, I DONT SLEEP TALK YOU DUMMY!" Louis said throwing a pillow at me. Shelby laughed.

"What is happening?" Zayn asked.

"Nothing babe." Shelby said winking at me or I think she winked at me.

"Well, I better get back to bed." She said getting up.

"But, I cant sleep, please stay up with me." I said.

"Harry! No! Go to bed!" Zayn said. Shelby laughed.

"I'll cuddle with you till you fall asleep, hows that?" She asked.

"Oh my god, thats just great, i'll be waiting, with clothes on." I said walking out of the room.

"Ok.." She said. Yay! Shes going to cuddle with me!!! I layed down and made room for Shelby and bumped into something. I lifed up the covers and Niall screamed: "BOO HAROLD!"

"Niall! Go do that to Liam not me you....butt!" I said spanking him.

"OW! Why is everyone hitting me?! I'm not a thing that you take out your anger on!" Niall said rubbing his butt. Shelby walked in.

"Ew, Niall! Go wash your hands after you itch your...crack." She said laughing. I laughed with her.

"I am not! Harry over there spanked my ass." He said still rubbing it as he got into his bed.

"Harry!" She said getting in bed with me.

"Yes?" I asked putting my arms around her. She laughed.

"Now try to sleep." She whispered. And I did fall asleep, and she never moved, I think.

And It's All Because Zayn Malik Pulled Me Up On StageWhere stories live. Discover now