Shipping Zayn's 'Gel'....

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Shelby's POV

I woke up on the kitchen floor.

"What the." I mumbled.

Sarah was sitting up aganist the fridge snoring. Wheres Devyn? Oh there she is. Why is she on the table? What happened?

"What time is it?" I mumbled to myself. I took out my phone and checked. 9:30. Uggh.

"Sarah." I whispered.

"" She mumbled in her sleep.

"Sarah!" I said.

"What what." She asked opening her eyes.

"Why are we in your kitchen?" I asked confused.

"Oh. Well we were trying to uhhh I dont know." She said rubbing her eyes.

"Lets see if Devyn remembers." I said.

"Devyn!" Sarah yelled over to her.

"No no more saying my name you scary voice!" She said in her sleep.

"Oh yeah! Someone kept saying our names last night!" I said remembering it. Oh yeaaah!!! That was so creepy.

"Right! That was so weird and scary." Sarah said.

"Devyn." I said.

"STOP IT!" Devyn yelled turning over. I got up and walked over to her and spanked her.

"Ow!" She said sitting up.

"Wake up." I said walking away.

"What the heck. Why im I on the table?" She asked. Me and Sarah shrugged.

"You were hungry." Sarah joked.

"Eh kinda." Devyn said putting her hand on her stomach.

"I have fruity pebbles!" Sarah said opening her pantry.

"OH YUM." I said grabbing them. They're sooooo gooood.

"Hey Zayn's package!" Devyn said.

"Right!" I said getting a bowel.

"I'll get the cardboard box." Sarah said going into her room.

"We almost got done with it looking real." I said. We got the address on and our so called company which was a random name Devyn came up with Wrench.

"Wheres your dads used hair gel?" I asked.

"I'll steal some he has more." Sarah whispered as she walked into her parents room. Hopefully they werent doing anything in there....well then.

"I'll get the mustard." Devyn said.

"Got it!" Sarah said holding up an axe gel bottle.

"Are we gonna rip that off?" I asked.

"Yeah." Sarah said ripping it off. Paper need paper.

"Wheres some paper?" I asked.

"Right here. They were kind of my pillow. Not really." Devyn said handing me piles of paper.

"Ok, wow." I wrote 'Stuck' on it.

"That looks so real." Sarah said.

"It kind of does." I said crossing my arms.

"Hes gonna be so yellow." Devyn said laughing. I laughed too. We opened the cap and poured the mustard in.

"Ewww." Sarah said poking her finger in.

"Yum.." I said.

"Its edible?!" Devyn asked.

"No! I was joking." I said.

"Oh. Good." She said. I rolled my eyes. Shes like a girl Niall.

"All we gotta do is put it in the box." Sarah said.

"Yay." I said evily. We put it in and taped it shut.

"It looks so real." Devyn said.

"Yeah. We did good girls." I said high-fiving them.

"Lets go sneak it over." I said picking it up. I could of walked to Sarahs but I guess I was lazy last night but I wanted to show off my car.

"Wow I didnt know that we lived so close." Sarah said. We past walmart and went into my neighboor hood. I walked up to the doorstep. I dont think anyone was up yet. Then  I heard a quack, the loudest quack i've ever heard. God Niall. I put the box on the doorstep and rang the doorbell and we ran.

"That was so fun!" Devyn said.

"Did you guys hear a quack too?" Sarah asked. I stayed quiet.

"Actually yeah. I thought one of you farted so I ignored it." Devyn said.

"It was Niall." I mumbled annoyed.

"Niall quacks?" Sarah asked confused.

"Yeah." I laughed.

"Why?" Devyn asked.

"I dont know. Hes Niall what do you expect?" I asked.

"Uhh lets see I dont know hes supposed to be hot not a duck!" Sarah said.

"Exactly!" I said.

"What did you teach him?" Devyn asked.

"Uh nothing!" I said shocked.

"Haha I know. Hes Niall. And Niall is just weird." Devyn said like she knew.

"Got that right." I said.

"You've got to make sure that Zayn doesnt use the hair gel till you get back home!" Sarah said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cuz I wanna see his face when he puts it on." She replied. I nodded and laughed.

"I'll see what I cand do." I said. VIBRATION.

Good morning my beautiful fiance. :) u okay from last night?????????

Yeah im fine. it was sc

Thats when I just noticed last night Zayn kept asking me 'what color is sarahs house? what neighboor hood?' THAT WAS THEM! OH MY GOD

"OH MY GOD." I said.

"What what?" Devyn asked.

"The boys were the ones whispering our names." I said mad. Oh they are going to get it. Oh Zayns covered but the rest of them are dead. DEAD BRITISH MEN!

"How do you know?" Sarah asked. I showed them the texts.

"Oh my god! Those those little ughs!" Devyn said.

"I am getting revenge on there butts." I said mad.

"More like asses and I will help. So are you Devyn." Sarah said crossing her arms.

Oh they are going to get it. UGH

And It's All Because Zayn Malik Pulled Me Up On StageWhere stories live. Discover now