A Little Problem...

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Zayn's POV

Oh god is this that Meriah girl from the club or something like that?

"Uh...hi?" shelby said.

"Hi! Jerry! Why havent you texted me?!" she asked. Shelby looked at me weird.

"Uhhhh." Is all I said.

"I fell in love with you when we danced and everything! You didnt feel the same way?!" she asked. Shelby raised her eyebrows then looked at me.

"It was at the-" I tried to say.

"Stop talking! Anyway why why why!? JERRY TELL ME, I I I I LOVE YOU!" She said almost crying.

"Uh....uh...ummm. Well I uh well im engadged so um I never needed to text you." I said.


"Calm down!" I said.

"Yeah." shelby said crossing her arms.

"Shut up! So are you engadged to her?" she asked looking at Shelby.

"Yes. As a matter of fact I am." I said putting my arm around Shelby.

"Wow. So out of all the things we've been through even when we kissed and when-" she tried to finish.

"Wait, what?" shelby asked.

"Me and him kissed. Yeah." Meriah said. Shelby looked up at me.

"Shelby love it was at the-" I tried to finish but then she ran away.

"Shelby!" I yelled chasing after her.

"Jerry we are not done with this mr!" I heard Meriah said. I heard Shelby cry.

"Woah what happened?" Louis asked coming by the front door. Shelby ran out of it.

"No! Shelby come back!!!" I yelled but she was gone I didnt even see her. FUCK. FUCK I JUST LOST MY FUCKING BEST DAMN FUCKING GIRL I EVER FUCKING FUCKED WITH. FUUUUUCK. Excuse my language.

"What the heck happened?!" Louis asked again.

"She...she uh ran away." I said with tears coming into my eyes.

"What?! Why?" Louis asked.

"Cuz of that damn crazed girl up there." I said pointing upstairs.

"Theres a girl up there?" he asked.

"Yes. Please help me get her out." I said.

"Uh...sure." He said. I walked up the stairs and me and Louis grabbed her and called the cops and they took her away.

"JERRRRRY!!!!" she yelled as they drove away.

"Jerry?" Harry asked.

"Just forget about it." I mumbled.

"Zayn how are we going to find Shelby?" ashley asked biting her nails.

"II I dont know. But we are." I said trying not to have tears come out.

"Zayn are you going to cry?" Niall asked.

"Dont ask him that!" Liam said pulling his hair.

"Well I might, if we dont find her. Will you guys please help me?" I begged.

"Of course!" They all said.

"Lets go!" I said running for the door.

"Do you think she might of ran for Sarah's house?" Harry asked as we ran.

"Maybe. Lets check there first." I said sprinting faster and faster. We went past Walmart and walked up to Sarah's doorstep. Harry knocked. The door opened.

"Hello." I said. Her eyes went wide and so did her mouth.

"Oh. My. My." she mumbled.

"Have you seen Shelby?" Harry asked ignoring her heart attack.

"I pooped on a turtle and called it sam oh my god its one direction" she said taking deep breaths.

"Well okay. Have a nice day!" Niall said leaving.

"Niall come back and stay. Anyway she ran away. Would you like to come help us find her?" I asked.

"What? She ran away?" she asked normal. We all nodded our heads.

"Of course! Lets go." She said closing the door behind her.

"Lets check everywhere. Here we'll all split up. Oh Sarah lets give you our numbers." I said. She nodded her head.


"We looked everywhere!" Sarah said walking into Shelby's house.

"Im so worried." I mumbled having one tear coming down my cheek.

"Zayn!" Louis said hugging me and all of them did.

"We'll find her. Dont you worry. We will find her." Ashley said.

"Im gonna go to bed." I said walking upstairs.

"K." They all said.

I layed down and cried till I felt like I was going to puke. I HATE MERIAH.


Shelby's POV

I kept running and running. I ignored all the phone calls I got. I dont care if they called. I didnt want to know Zayn anymore. I think were done. I got to Nampa and walked to where I went when One Direction came. No one was there so I walked in and just got up on staged and sat down and cried. Why. He was the best guy ever. Why?? I cried and cried till about 12 AM. I know where I wanna go next. And when the wedding day comes, I know what im gonna do.

And It's All Because Zayn Malik Pulled Me Up On StageWhere stories live. Discover now