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Shelby's POV

I woke up and realized that I was still in Harry's bed. I kind of paniced. I slowly got up to go see what time it was. I looked at my phone and it was 5:30 A.M. Ugh. I'll get in bed with Zayn.

~Shelby's Dream~

"Na na na na na." I sang to Zayn.

"Woah, you should join the band!" Zayn said.

"Yeah, no." I said.

"Why not?" He asked.

"I dont belong in an all boy band that is all english exept one boy." I said.

"Yeaaaah, i'm that one boy." Niall said. I smiled.

"But just think of it, you, me on stage!" Zayn said.

"I'm thinking of it and its a weird thought." I said.

"It would be fun though!" Niall said thinking of it.

"Yeah, but you'd be stealing my spotlight." Louis said striking a pose.

"What spotlight would shine of you?" Harry asked.

"A lot of them!" Louis said still in his pose. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Well I totally don't wanna still Louis's spotlight, so no!" I said.

"Louis is being a bum, dont listen to him." Liam said.

"Yeah, hes just jealous because you have boobs." Niall said.

"I am not! I have fine harry breasts myself." Louis said getting out of his pose.

"Oh really?" Niall asked getting up and standing in front of Louis.

"Yeah!" Louis said lifting up his shirt. Niall grabbed both of Louis's nipples and turned them.


Zayns POV

~Zayn's Dream~

"This is so pretty!" Shelby said looking at France at the top of the Effiel Tower.

"Yeah." I said putting my hands on her hips and kissing her. She kissed me back then we started snogging.

"Excuse me Mr, and Miss, please no doing that on our tower." Harry said-wait harry?

"Harry what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I am not Harry, I am Bob." Harry said.

"No your not!" I said.

"Sir calm down! I am not 'Harry'!" He said back.

"Zaaaayn." Shelby said waiting for me in the sand. Wait why are we at a beach? Psh I dont care!

"I'm comin'!" I said looking behind me, hmm Harry disappeared. We starting snogging again.

"NOM NOM." A voice said.

"AHHHH!" Shelby screamed looking at a shark, but had a face like Liam.

"OH MY GOD LIAM!" I yelled at him.

"Why are you saying Liam's name?! Theres a shark Zayn run!" Shelby said pulling me away from Liam the Shark?

"Shelby that was Liam, I sware." I said looking back.

"What was?" Shelby asked in a pretty dress at a dinner table across from me.

"What the." I said out loud.

"Here is your steak, and here is your Salad." Niall said giving us our food.

"Niall you work here?" I asked.

"Um no no, I am Jeramiah." Niall said pointing to his nametag on his shirt. It did say Jeramiah. Shelby laughed.

"He does look like him." She said laughing really hard. I started laughing with her.

"Whats so funny?" Shelby whispered across from standing in a beautiful white wedding dress.

"Whaa." I said out loud.

"May I start again?" Louis asked as the preacher.

"What the heck! Louis!" I said.

"Excuse me?" Louis asked.

"Zayn!" Shelby whispered.

"As I was saying...." Louis said.

Louis's POV

~Louis's Dream~

"Yay! Louis your here!" Ashley said as I was in her house.

"Hey!" I said laughing as she jumped on me.

"I missed you so muuuch!" She said.

"I miss you too." I said.

"Louis who is here?" A voice asked.

"Whos that?" Ashley asked.

"I have no idea." I said walking into her kitchen. A girl was cooking in an apron.

"Uh hello?" I said.

"Louis, who is here?" Shelby asked turning around.

"Who is that?" Ashley asked.

"Uh, hello? Umm, who is this Louis?" Shelby asked crossing her arms.

"Ashley, you talked to her on the phone..." I said.

"Your ex?!" She asked with her mouth open.

"My ex?!" I asked with my mouth open.

"Louis!? How could you!?" Shelby asked crying.

"What!? Your, your cheating on me?" Ashley asked with tears in her eyes.

"No no! Shes lying, shes dating Zayn!" I said. Ashley ran out the door.

"ASHLEY!" I screamed.

Liam's POV

~Liam's Dream~

"Cool car Liam." Shelby said looking hot.

"Yeah, wanna ride?" I asked.

"Yeaaah." She said laughing.

"What?" I asked. I looked down and my pants were off and I was wearing pink underwear. LADIES UNDERWEAR! She walked off with Zayn.

Niall's POV

~Niall's Dream~

"Niall, do you think hamburgers are good?" Shelby asked.

"Uh yeah! There pretty good." I answered.

"YOU LIAR!" She screamed at me. She smacked me with a weenie.

"Hotdogs are better." She said smirking.

"Where did you get that?!" I asked rubbing my arm where she smacked me. She took a bite out of it and smiled.

"At a store." She said shoving it all in her mouth.

"Oh, oh, okay then." I said a little discusted.

Harry's POV

~Harry's Dream~

"Harry, are you sure we should do this?" Shelby asked in my car.

"Yes, you belong with me not that Zayn who hurts you." I said feeling all her bruises.

"Ow, be careful." She said.

"Sorry." I said rubbing them.

"Do you think I should break up with him?" She asked.

"Yes." I said rubbing her face.

"What if he hurts you though, or me again." She said looking out the window.

"I'll protect you and myself." I said. I looked down and saw that some of her butt was showing.

"ARE YOU CHECKING OUT MY GIRLFRIEND?!" Zayn yelled all of the sudden on my windshield.

"What the!" I yelled.

"Harry save me!" Shelby screamed as Zayn opened her door and pulled her out.

"SHELBY!" I screamed running out of my car.

And It's All Because Zayn Malik Pulled Me Up On StageWhere stories live. Discover now