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I know I told her that she can use me if she needed to. But never I thought she would actually do it. I feel like a dirty prostitute. The fact that I was able to give in to her so fast wasn't okay. I feel like I was just used for sex.

"Hey Axel." I was broken out of my thoughts by the beautiful goddess herself. I nodded giving her the cold shoulder. I could feel Jason behind me smirking.

To say I felt like a girl who was left after a one night stand is an understatement. "Thank you for last night I had a lot of fun." Noor said with a bright white toothed smile grabbing an apple and walking to the living room with a slight limp in her walk.

"Did you give shawty pipe my G?" Jason asked his hand brushing my shoulder. I stayed quiet nodding my head slightly.

"What the hell is wrong with you then," Jason asked walking to the fridge and grabbing a water bottle.

"Because she literally had sex with me because she was horny" I shook my had taking a bite out of my apple.

"That's how sex happens Axe" Jason said rolling his eyes.

"You don't get it."

"I get it. Your mad because she isn't pining after you like the other girls. Not making you breakfast and wanting to practically marry you." He stated with another sip of his water.

His conclusion was straight bullshit. The fact of the matter was Noor used me for her own vendetta.

"And you want her to want to marry you which is why your sad and in your feelings. Drake looking ass." Jason chuckled.

"I don't know what the fuck is funny." I scoffed.

Of course I want Noor to want to marry me but not for sex but for my personality. I liked it better when she hated me with a passion now she just strongly dislikes me.

But would a person who strongly dislikes you have sex with you?

I'm so confused about everything I just want her to love me and having sex with her just messed up everything.

I grabbed my lap top going in to the living room to work.

I sat down turning off the tv and settling myself in to the mafia financial reports. Everything seemed to be going smoothly no one is stealing money from me and the government seems to be off my ass.

Suddenly the couch got heavier. Noor reaches her body across my lap to get the remote. Which was a pretty sight to see .

The flash of the tv came on. Turning my head to look at Noor. "Can you leave?" I questioned

"I can go back home?"she questioned sadistically

"You are home so shut the fuck with that shit I was talking about out of my living room" I said quite hostile.

"You tried the right bitch today. I'm not leaving this living room you've have a million offices in this bitch go to one of them. The living room is for lounging in you dumb fuck!" Noor said her eyes rolling in the back of her head.

I looking her up and down as if she was crazy. Her small hands were clutched in a fist to her side.

"What you balling your fist for?" I questioned pissing her off even more.

"You wanna find out?" She said giving that signature stare.

"Try something." And with that she swung a punch landing in my eye.

"Damn! Ma you got some power to that punch."
Jason said chuckling with a smirk.

As Jason laughed she went for another making me madder then I already was. I caught the next punch she threw at me.

Stockholm syndrome(Slow Updates) *mild Editing*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora