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I've finally came to terms with being pregnant after like a day of thinking about it. I also know I don't want the extra drama in my life. Which is Axel, half of me wants to tell him and the other side doesn't. Axel is unstable and I don't want to bring my child around that it's unhealthy for me and the baby. I also don't want to be selfish to my child. They should be able to have a right to know about their father and Axel should have a right to know about his child and choice if he wants to be apart of their lives.

That's why I sat with Antonio my best friend. He kissed my head gently and lead me to our table.

I rubbed my semi-flat belly . I always kinda had a suspicion of being pregnant I just didn't want it to be true.

"Tony why do we have go to such an expensive place?" I whined thinking about the McDonald's chicken nuggets I wanted to scarf down my throat.

Because this is an celebratory dinner I'm going to be a godfather. He smiled calling the waiter. "How can I help you guys today." The waiter spoke. " I know your not our waiter but can I get pina colada with extra rum and she'll have the same-" "Tony I'm pregnant." I interrupted face palming "I was going to say with no Rum absolutely no rum." Tony winked at the waiter which made him blush a little bit.

"Tony when are going to tell your girlfriend your bisexual?" I questioned as I looked at Tony look the poor waiter up and down. "When she stops screwing her yoga instructor." He answered with a smile

"You guys should just end it." I spoke "I don't want to ruin Jay's childhood." He said nonchalantly as he looked at the menu.

"But wouldn't that make the household toxic?" I questioned putting the menu down. "Not exactly Natalie and I don't love each other like we used to we have mutual understanding and friendship that makes it ok to be around each other. We do plan on telling him just not right now." He spoke.

"Are y'all ready to order?" The waiter asked sitting down the beverages. "I am and are sure this has no Alcohol in it?" I questioned. "Yes ma'am and if you want your husband to try it first he can." He spoke getting out his notepad. "I'll do the beef steak tips with a side of asparagus." Tony spoke checking his phone.

"Would you like that well done or...?"

"Medium done please." He smiled at the waiter.

"And for you?" The waiter asked

"I'll have T-bone steak medium done with mashed potatoes." I spoke taking a sip of my mock tail.

"Ok your food will be out shortly." The waiter spoke walking away.

"So do you think I should tell the father?" I asked taking sip of my drink.

"I mean I would. If Nicole didn't tell me about Jayan I don't know what I've would've done. Regardless of if she kept him or not. If she choice to get rid of Jay I wouldn't stop her I would've preferred she told me." Tony spoke sipping on his drink.

"But you and her where married..." I countered.

"You where with your baby daddy for about a year and lived with him. It's not like he was one night stand or raped you and if he did I'll kill the bastard." Tony said sternly.

"No he didn't when we had sex it was consensual. But me living with him wasn't everything about me staying there was forced."

"I understand that. But are you choosing to keep the baby?" Tony asked

"Yeah I think so."

"Then think about it this way your child should have a right to know it's father." He said.

"Um a gentleman told bring this to you as congratulations on the pregnancy." The waiter spoke giving me a receipt to show the this man paid for Tony and I's meal.

"Um how did he know?" I questioned

"Um told me to send you a drink but I said you are with child." He spoke with sympathy in his face.

"Tony give me your wallet." I spoke my hand out for it he passed to me "and you lead me where this man is." He nodded leading me to this mystery man.

I knew it was one of Axel's goons.

We went into the the banquet room where gentlemen in suits ate and drank.

"Noor is that you my love?" Some random man spoke up obviously drunk.

"Who's asking?" I asked sarcastically

"Carlo Andretti Axel's cousin. We flirted at the dinner thing."

"Hey." I spoke with the brightest fake smile ever

"I hear you have bun in the oven. Is that man who doesn't look like cousin the father?" He questioned

"Why do you need to know?" I questioned my hands folded over my chest.

"I don't." He shook his head.

"I would like to pay you back for the meal." I spoke swiftly.

"Nope consider it a baby shower gift." He smiled a sinister smile.

"Thanks." I smiled fakeness seeping out of my pores.

I left heading back to my seat.

"Hey you started eating?" I questioned as I sat down

"No..."Tony said with a mouth full of food. I rolled my eyes praying over my meal to make sure it's not poisoned by Axel's weirdo cousin.

"So what happened was it your baby daddy?"

"No his cousin asking about my pregnancy he thinks your the father." I giggled

" And what did you say?"

"It's none of his god damn business." I spoke taking a bite of my steak.


"Can we stop talking about this man and eat lunch/dinner in peace." I spoke my mashed potatoes in my mouth.

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter I'll edit later.🙃

Stockholm syndrome(Slow Updates) *mild Editing*Where stories live. Discover now